City makes good start on curbside recycling
The city has launched an experimental plan to collect reusable material at curbside.
THE city's curbside recycling program in its first days didn't capture as much reusable material as officials had hoped, but that's to be expected with any new project. It is a good beginning nonetheless.
As residents of Mililani and Hawaii Kai become accustomed to sorting recyclables and the pickup schedules, more of the plastic, glass, paper, aluminum and household plant wastes that goes to H-Power for electricity production or is buried in the city's sole landfill will be diverted for reuse.
Residents of the two communities are serving as pioneers in the pilot project that should be expanded city-wide after the one-year experiment. Their efforts will aid officials in shaping a permanent program, working out the kinks and problems that may occur.
Through the next two months, they will continue to get two regular garbage pickups per week, with mixed recyclables and green wastes collected in alternate weeks, but come January, regular garbage service will be reduced to once a week.
Some people worry that the cut will mean an overflow in their gray bins, especially with large families. However, officials believe most households will find recycling reduces regular garbage considerably, as has the statewide bottle deposit law.
Another benefit of recycling is that people may factor in the waste stream before they bring products, much of which is over-packaged, into their homes.
Meanwhile, the rest of Oahu should be appreciative of people in Mililani and Hawaii Kai, who will be instrumental in moving the city on the path toward a better environment.
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