Wednesday is Halloween, so get your costume on and head out for some frightful fun
"Ghost" is among the artworks on display at the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii for the exhibit "Obake Odyssey." The center will hold a special Keiki Day 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday.
Haunted Houses
» Aina Haina School Haunted House: 5 to 8 p.m. Friday at 801 W. Hind Drive. Featured theme is "Shake-Speare," which takes a look at some of Shakespeare's most famous plays, ghosts, magical creatures, witches and more. Admission is $2 adults; $1 children. Also, Halloween-themed games, stories and food. Proceeds benefit school library programs. Call 377-2419 or e-mail ahspta@gmail.com .
Easter Seal's Annual Haunted House: 6 to 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday. A minicarnival will be offered for younger children and "the faint at heart." Tickets are $5 for the haunted house; $1 for the Children's Fun Area. Call 681-0747 or visit www.eastersealshawaii.org.
Haunted Hayride: From 7 to 10:30 p.m. Friday, Saturday, and Monday through Wednesday at Gunstock Ranch, Laie. Featuring the Headless Horseman, Leatherface from "Texas Chainsaw Massacre," Jason from "Friday the 13th," haunted graveyard and more. Due to graphic violence and frightening scenes, parental discretion is strongly advised. Hayrides depart about every 25 minutes. Cost is $5. Visit www.gunstockranch.com/hauntedhayride.html.
Haunted Plantation: From 7:30 to 11:45 p.m. Friday and Saturday at Hawaii's Plantation Village, 94-695 Waipahu St. (near the Sugar Mill). Cost is $7. Said to be twice as scary this year; not recommended for children younger than 10. Children younger than 14 must be supervised by an adult. Visit www.myspace.com/the hauntedplantation.
» Manana Haunted House: 6 to 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday at Manana Community Park. Also, games and crafts. Call Dahlia at 453-7527.
"Ibaragi" by Torii, Kotondo/Kiyotada V, on display at the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii for the exhibit "Obake Odyssey."
Ala Moana Center: From 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday at participating merchants. Call 955-9517.
Kahala Mall: From 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, preceded by trick-or-treat parade at 5:30 p.m. A superhero Halloween skit kicks off the parade. Call 732-7736.
Market City Shopping Center: 6:30 p.m. Saturday. Sixth annual costume parade where participating merchants hand out treats. Parade begins in the lobby area near Duck Lee Chinese Express Foods. Call 734-0282.
Mililani Shopping Center: From 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Wednesday. Participating merchants will have balloons near entrances. Call 551-8930.
Pearlridge: Starting at 5 p.m. Wednesday. Uptown and Downtown, while supplies last. Call 488-0981.
Town Center of Mililani: From 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. Look for orange signs in windows or above store entrances. Call 625-5233.
Treat Street: From 5:30 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at Bishop Museum. Family activities, pie-eating contest and more. Call 848-4169 or visit www.bishopmuseum.org.
Waikele Premium Outlets: From 4 to 7 p.m. Wednesday. Costumed keiki receive free goodie bags, face-painting, balloon-twisting, picture-taking and trick-or-treating at merchants displaying pumpkin signs. Check in at Information Center. Call 676-5656.
Ward Trick or Treat Street: From 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at Ward Warehouse, Ward Gateway and Ward Centre. Look for black bats hanging in participating merchants' doorways. Costumed keiki receive free Halloween photos, on ground floor near Borders, while supplies last.
» Windward Mall: From 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday. Among highlights are entertainment by Dizanne "Sorceress of Halloween" from 6 to 8 p.m., a hula hoop contest and balloon creations at Center Stage. Call 235-1143.
Obake fun
Attendees are encouraged to dress in their scariest costumes for the activities at the "Obake Odyssey" Keiki Day, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday at the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii.
Highlights include Japanese crafts such as origami and making teru teru bozu (a ghostlike talisman that legend says wards off rain), and a demonstration on making crystal-beaded phone charms and clay ghosts.
The "Obake Odyssey" art exhibit will be open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is free. Call 945-7633 or e-mail info@jcch.com.
Costume Contests
» "Andy's Halloween, Cool Costume Contest: Thursday, starting at 5 p.m., at the Tropics Showroom, Hilton Hawaiian Village. Tapings of three "Night Time with Andy Bumatai" Halloween week shows. Cameras will search for the spookiest, funniest and most original costumes. Shows are projected to air on Oct. 29, 30 and 31. Admission is free, but seating is limited. Visit www.ntphawaii.com for more details.
» Halawa Complex: 7 p.m. Friday at Halawa District Park. Age range spans from infants to sixth-graders. Call Zachary at 483-7850; Brandon or Catherine at 483-7852.
Kahala Mall: 7 p.m. Tuesday at Center Court. Register at 6 p.m., Macy's wing. Prizes for most original, funniest/cutest and judges' choice. Call 732-7736.
» Kalihi Uka: 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at Kalihi Uka Elementary School Cafeteria. Contest is followed by a haunted house, open until 8 p.m. Call Christopher at 832-7807.
» Kaimuki: 6 p.m. Wednesday at Kaimuki Park. Registration begins at 5:15 p.m.
» Kapolei Public Library: 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. Prizes awarded for spookiest and most original costumes. A scavenger hunt will be held. Call 693-7050.
Kunia Shopping Center: Friday at Planet Fun. Check in at 7 p.m., judging at 7:30 p.m. For kids 7 to 12. Prizes are Planet Fun gift cards and cash. Goodie bags for all participants. Entry forms available at all merchants.
Town Center of Mililani: "Halloween Spooktacular," from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday featuring games, drawings, costume contest at noon. Prizes for scariest, cutest and most original. Call 625-5233.
Waimanalo District Park: Costume contest, 6:30 p.m. Friday. Call Registration starts at 6 p.m. Categories: ages 3 and under, most "Halloweeny" parent and child; ages 5 and older, most adorable and most creative; ages 6 to 10, spookiest and most creative; and family group or theme (three or more people). Call 259-8926.
Windward Mall: From 5:30 to 7 p.m. Saturday. Register at 4 p.m. Movie-themed event open to children, teens and adults; hosted by KCCN-FM's Lina Girl. Call 235-1143.
Halloween goes to the dogs (and cats) at 2 costume contests
Your pets can be part of the holiday, even if your dog can't eat chocolate and your cat is just too cool to revel much in the spirit of competition.
Costumed cats will strut their stuff at the Halloween Cat Show from noon to 12:45 p.m. Saturday at McCoy Pavilion, Ala Moana Beach Park. Judges will choose the "most original and appropriate" costume; categories also include Best Decorated Cage. Spectators will choose the Best Halloween Cat.
Admission to the Aloha Cat Fanciers' show from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. is $4; $2 for children. Call 261-4354.
For dogs, Ward Warehouse is hosting a "Howl-o-Ween Contest," from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday at the main stage. Costumes will be awarded in three "dogagories," including scariest, most original and cutest. Owners are encouraged to dress up with their pets.
Free admission. Winners will receive goodies from the Pet Spot, including food, apparel and treats. Call 591-1990 to register or visit any Pet Spot location.
Trick or Treat Alternatives
Family Fun Night: From 6 to 9 p.m. Wednesday at Honolulu Christian Church, Manoa Valley. Games, food, candy, costume contests, rock-climbing and more. Call 973-4345.
Halloween Fair: 5:30 p.m. Sunday at First Christian Church of Honolulu, 1516 Kewalo St. Hot dog dinner, games, prizes and a costume contest (nothing too scary). Call 521-3500.
Harvest Fest: From 2 to 5 p.m. Saturday at Pali View Baptist Church, 45-510 Halekou St. in Kaneohe. Featuring "The Story of Joseph," games, crafts and more. Call 247-4271.
Manoa Valley Church: 5 to 8 p.m. Sunday at 2728 Huapala St. Pumpkin carving contest, face-painting, a costume parade, games, crafts and more. Call 988-6206.
Penny Carnival: From 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, United Church of Christ, 467 N. Judd St. Theme is "Bizarre Bazaar," and includes food, music, penny games, prizes. To benefit Family Promise Hawaii. Call 536-8418.
Wahiawa Church of Christ: 6 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday at 1710 Royal Palm Drive. Games and goodies. Call 621-5818.
Pirate costumes are among the dozens to choose from at the Diamond Head Theatre Costume Shop.
Children's Halloween Activity: 6 p.m. Friday, Borders Ward Centre. Call 591-8995.
Ewa Beach Halloween Bash: 6 to p.m. Friday at Ewa Beach Community Park. Call Eileen at 689-2319.
Family Fun Day: From 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at Wahiawa Shopping Center. Free make-and-take minipumpkin decorating, photos, guessing game to win a giant pumpkin and more. Call 262-0687.
Halloween Cat Show: 9:30 to 4 p.m. Saturday at McCoy Pavilion, Ala Moana Beach Park.
"Cats in Costume Contest," noon to 12:45 p.m. Spectators select the best-decorated cage and outstanding Halloween cat. Admission is $4 adults; $2 children and seniors. Call 261-4354.
Halloween Cruise: Departs at 5:15 p.m.; returns at 7:15 p.m. Wednesday from Pier 6, aloha Tower Marketplace. Includes dinner, live music, dancing and more. Prices range from $60 to $105 for adults and $40 to $54 for children. Call 973-1311.
Halloween Fun Day: 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at Gunstock Ranch in Laie. The Paniola O Ko'olauloa 4-H Horse Club hosts a fun day with games, food and more. Among the highlights is a horse and rider costume contest. For information or entry forms, visit gunstockranch.com/4-H_Club.html.
Halloween Hoopla: 5 to 9 p.m. Monday at Blaisdell Arena. Featuring decorated trick or treating booths for keiki, games, keiki and adult costume contests, a basketball game and performances by the Hawaii Pacific University Cheer Team, Drill Team and the Sea Warrior Band. Among the highlights are drills performed by the men's and women's basketball teams. Sponsored by HPU. Admission is free. Call 544-0277.
Halloween Trek-or-Treat: From 1 to 3:30 p.m. Saturday, Waimea Valley Audubon Center. Collect materials from nature to create masks. All ages welcome. Fee is $3, plus park admission.
Haunted Village: From 6 to 8:30 p.m. Friday at Windward Community College's Imaginarium. Free activities include: Dr. Phrankentein's Phantom Physics Lab with hands-on lab activities and optical demonstrations, "knightly combat" show with the Society for Creative Anachronism, Halloween cartoon theater showing spooky videos, pumpkin-carving display, costume contest, haunted village and more. Also, take a 15-minute virtual tour of a haunted graveyard with 3-D effects. Tickets are $3; $2 if in costume. Call 235-7321.
Festive pet owners can enter their four-legged pals in costume contests around town.
» Kailua Treat Street: From 4 to 9 p.m. Saturday on Lau Hala Way between Macy's and Pier One Imports. Jack-o-lantern carving at 4 p.m., games, crafts, activities and costume contests for adults, kids and pets. A costume/trick-or-treating parade to be led by Wally Amos, visiting Kailua merchants for treats. Call Amy at 234-0404.
» Keiki Costume Ball: From 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Sunday at Hawaii Children's Discovery Center. Trick-or-treating, carousel ride, pizza, ice cream, games, crafts and more. Cost is $15; $8 members. Call 524-5437.
» "Le Masquerade" fundraiser: "Spooky Kabuki" theme, from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday at the Manoa Grand Ballroom, Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii. Highlights include taiko and shakuhachi performances, obon dancing, sake tasting, obake hair and make-up stations, food, silent auction, yakuza tattoo station and more. Tickets are $175; tables of 10 are $2,500, $3,500 and $5,000. Proceeds benefit Honolulu Theatre for Youth. Call Jillian at 457-4255 or e-mail Tim Bostock at tbp@artsatmarks.com.
» "Nosferatu" Screening: 7 p.m. Wednesday at Hawaii Theatre. The original, silent vampire classic film will be underscored by the Hawaii Theatre Robert Morton Orchestral Theatre organ. Tickets are $8, plus the $2 theater restoration fee. A $5 discount is offered to members, children 17 and under, seniors 62 and over and students and military with valid ID. Call 528-0506 or visit www.hawaiitheatre.com.
» "Obake Odyssey": Art exhibit, on display 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. through Wednesday, Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii. Learn about obake, with stories of supernatural beings and how they wove themselves into the culture of Hawaii. Free. Call 945-7633 or e-mail info@jcch.com.
» "Obake Odyssey" Keiki Day: From 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii. Cultural activities, Japanese crafts, demonstration of making crystal-beaded phone charms and clay ghosts. Free; costumes welcome. Call 945-7633 or e-mail info@jcch.com.
» Pumpkin Carving Contest Display: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday. Public judging, 8 a.m. to noon at American Savings Bank Tower Lobby, 1001 Bishop St. Employees and friends of Architects Hawaii, Ltd. carve elaborate, spooky, funny and political pumpkins for the 19th annual event. Guests are encouraged to vote for their favorite.
» Pumpkin Patch: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at Aloun Farms. Featuring pumpkin-picking, hayrides, games and more. Bring nonperishable food item for Hawaii Foodbank. First 300 donations receive coupon for free minipumpkin. Call 677-9516.
» "Spooky Halloween Festival": 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday at the Aloha Stadium Swap Meet, Bus Lot Section 14-D. Featuring games, rides, a "Spooky Slam-O-Rama POG's Tournament at 8:30 a.m., costume contest judging at 1 p.m., inflatable bouncers and more. Call 486-6704.
» Waimanalo Halloween Dance: 6 to 9:30 p.m. Friday in the Waimanalo District Park Gym. Call 258-8926.
» "Zombie Crawl": 7 to 9:30 p.m. Saturday. For ages 21 and over. Ravenchase Adventures will set up clues on the streets of Downtown Honolulu so participants can locate the "Chinatown Zombie." Tacky prizes will be awarded at the end of the quest. Cost is $35, which includes two drinks. For tickets, visit www.ravenchase.com and click on Halloween events or public hunts.
Theater's costumes will play to the crowd
The Diamond Head Theatre Costume Shop has expanded its hours through Nov. 1. The staff is skilled in putting together outfits and accessories that are not pre-made or fabricated.
Choices range from pirates, wenches and belly dancers to Roman soldiers, flappers, Indian braves and squaws, fairy godmothers or even pregnant nuns.
The costume shop, located in the back of the theater on Makapuu Drive, is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Call 733-0277 or visit diamondheadtheatre.com.
"100 Candles": 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. Friday at Kapiolani Community College. Lopaka Kapanui and Jeff Gere put a Japanese tradition to the test -- the belief that if one blows out 100 candles after each ghost story, when all is dark the ghosts will be seen. Call Kapanui at 699-4940 or e-mail Gere at jeffgere@lava.net.
Chillers and Thrillers: A Halloween Spooktacular: 4 p.m. Saturday, McKinley High School Auditorium. Honolulu Community Concert Band performs "Music for a Darkened Theater" and selections from the musicals "Wicked," "Phantom of the Opera" and "Jekyll & Hyde." Free.
Halloween Program: 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Monday at Pearl City Public Library. Drama students from Pearl City High School present skits of adapted fairy tales and Halloween characters and interactive games. For ages 3 and up. Call 453-6566.
"Night Before Halloween Storytime": 5:30 to 6:15 p.m. Monday at Salt Lake-Moanalua Library. Halloween stories, make and take craft and more. For ages 5 to 9. Call 831-6831.
"Lopaka's Ghost Walks": Visit ghosttoursofoldhawaii.com or call 699-4940 for details on upcoming tours.
"Obake": 1:30 p.m. Saturday; and 1:30 and 4:30 p.m. Nov. 3, 10 and 17 at Tenney Theatre. Honolulu Theatre for Youth stages a collection of ghost stories from Japan and Hawaii. For ages 7 and up; not for young children. Tickets are $16; $8 children. Call 839-9885 or visit htyweb.org.
"Pumpkin Tales": 10 to 10:45 a.m. Saturday at Waialua Public Library. Featuring pumpkin stories, games, piñata and more. For all ages. Call 637-8286.
"Spooky Storytime": 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Monday, Kailua Public Library. With Cynthia Frazer. For ages 8 and up. Call 266-9911.
"Halloween Tales for the Tomb": 6 to 7:30 p.m. Saturday at Mission Houses Museum. Historian and author Nanette Napoleon tells real life "spooky-kine" stories related to graveyards and the spirits that inhabit them. Part of the program will be held in the cemetery, weather permitting. Admission is $15; $10 members; $6 children 12 and under. Call 531-0481, ext. 707.
Night Life
Big Hairy Monster Ball: 7 p.m. to 1 am. Saturday at The ART ZONE Estate, 3245 Pali Highway. Highlights include entertainment by Liquid Amber and DJ Victor Evil, "Psychotic Psychics, Murderous Massages and Killer Cuisine for Cannibals." Tickets are $20; $25 at the door. Proceeds benefit the orphans of the H2A program, Hawaii Healing Hearts. BYOB. Call 255-9839 or e-mail ambernet@hawaii.rr.com.
"Fusion Goes Back to School": 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. Wednesday at Fusion Waikiki. Vie for the title of "prom queen." Highlights include two costume contests and entertainment by Sindustry. Tickets are $10; $15 at the door
Halloween Block Party: 7 p.m. Wednesday at the Row Bar, Restaurant Row. Live entertainment provided by Insight and Kapena. Costume contest prizes total $5,000. Call 528-2345.
"Halloween @ Hyatt": 9 p.m. to 4 a.m. Wednesday. Featuring DJ Shortkut (LA, BeatJunkies) and DJs XL, G-Spot, SovernT, IKON and QuikSilva. $10 to $15 cover charge. Tickets available at www.groovetickets.com.
Second Annual "Monster Bash": 9 p.m. to 4 a.m. Saturday at Lava Rock Lounge, International Marketplace. Featuring Angel Alanis, DJ Fixx, DJ Denise, Ikon and more. $15; $20 at the door. Tickets are available at Jelly's, Hungry Ear, UH Campus Center, Pipeline Smoke Shop, Stylus, Hawaii's Natural High and Linea or online at groovetickets.com or 662mob.com. Call 721-9709.
"Thriller": Live performance by Derek Daniels, 9 p.m. Saturday at Hula's Bar & Lei Stand. Call 923-0669 or visit www.hulas.com.
Hawai'iwood Hulaween: Hula's Bar & Lei Stand's 34th annual Halloween party, 9 p.m. Wednesday. Theme is "Hawaii Movie and TV Stars," focusing on "Magnum PI," "Lost," "Jurassic Park," "Hawaii Five-O," "Donovan's Reef" and "From Here to Eternity." Call 923-0669 or visit www.hulas.com.
Pre-Halloween Party: 4 to 11 p.m. Tuesday at Tiki's Grill & Bar. Dress as a tiki and win a prize. Ualei performs from 4 to 7 p.m.; Sean and Robi from 7 to 9 p.m.; and Christian & Sani from 9 to 11 p.m.
Rock-A-Ween -- Hall-O-Ween Block Party: Featuring '80s groups the Romantics and Berlin, Saturday at Aloha Tower. Also features Piranha Brothers, costume contest (with $1,000 prize), food stations and more. Tickets $32 advance; $42 night of show. VIP tickets $75, include four drink coupons. Call (877) 750-4400 or visit ticketmaster.com.
Neighbor Island
"Night Before Halloween Costume Contest": 5:30 p.m. Tuesday at Hula Grill Kaanapali. Children and adult costume contests, entertainment by Roy Kato and Friends, restaurant discounts. Registration for contest begins at 5 p.m. Winners judged on creativity, originality and support elements such as a theme song or dance. All contestants receive a bag of candy.
"Trick or Feed": For "Make a Difference Day" in Hilo and Pahoa, Hawaii Island Food Basket created a "trick or feed" event for Saturday. At 2:30 p.m., volunteers will meet at either the Holy Cross in Hilo and at the Pahoa Center for Spiritual Growth in Pahoa and collect food. Collection teams will meet back at the starting locations at 5 p.m. to weigh their collected goods. Call (808)935-1283 or (808)982-5683.