Corrections and Clarifications
Star-Bulletin staff
» Lt. Darren Izumo, with the Honolulu Police Department's Vehicular Homicide section, was quoted several times in a story about a pedestrian fatality in Ewa on
Page A6 in yesterday's morning edition. The story incorrectly attributed the quotes to Lt. Robert Imoto. Also, Imoto is a captain at HPD.
» The 6,100-acre tract of Kamehameha Schools land that will supply timber to a Big Island veneer mill is near Pahala, about 50 miles southwest of Hilo. A Page A6 article yesterday incorrectly suggested that the land was in the Hamakua area north of Hilo.
» The name of Michelle Skupin was misspelled as Skupkin in TheBuzz column on Page D1 Sunday.
The Star-Bulletin strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a question or comment about news coverage, call Editor Frank Bridgewater at (808) 529-4791 or email him at