STAR-BULLETIN FILE / 2001 A spinnaker flies in the wind as a sailboat heads toward Hawaii in the Transpacific Yacht Race, held every other year. CLICK FOR LARGE |
Transpac yachts begin Hawaii trek
The first 23 starters in the 44th annual Transpacific Yacht Race set sail from Long Beach, Calif., to Hawaii yesterday escorted by dolphins and a balmy 7-knot westerly breeze.
The top fleets included nine Division 6 racers and 14 Aloha A and B division boats. Yachts in Divisions 4 and 5, and nine vintage Santa Cruz 50 and 52 boats start on Thursday, followed by Divisions 1, 2 and 3 on Sunday.
All will begin their 2,225 nautical-mile journey off Point Fermin in nearby San Pedro after sendoff ceremonies at Rainbow Harbor in Long Beach.
Weather forecasts call for unsettled conditions a day or two out, meaning it could take a little longer to get here than the predicted six days.