Fashion conscience
IT WAS A FASHION-FILLED week beginning with the Urban Pacific fashion show at Next Door on Friday night, followed on Sunday by the University of Hawaii senior fashion show at the Sheraton Waikiki and the Yves Saint Laurent and Tiffany show at Halekulani presented as a benefit for the Red Cross.
Women at the latter event were invited to don hats befitting a Sunday afternoon tea with the most drama accompanying stage siren and song diva Cathy Foy's entrance in a red hat wrapped and flowing with layers of red tulle.

NADINE KAM / NKAM@STARBULLETIN.COMThe Pearl's kitchen doubled as a dressing room for models who waited their turn to hit the bar-turned-runway during Aveda's Fashion Show for the Earth on Tuesday night. CLICK FOR LARGE
Even more excitement awaited at Aveda's Fashion Show for the Earth Tuesday night at Pearl, where models -- some more sure-footed than others -- stepped onto the front bar in short shorts and dresses from Betsey Johnson, including a handful straight off the New York runways.
Also on display were edgy cuts created by Aveda stylists, with one segment devoted to drama queen beehives festooned with local flora. Among the models was KITV's Mahealani Richardson, showing a sassy side away from the confines of the anchor desk.
Without Betsey in the house, it was Richardson who performed the signature BJ show-ending cartwheel across the narrow bar, to the audience's appreciative cheers.