Corrections and Clarifications
Star-Bulletin staff
» Written public comments on the environmental study of stationing an Army Stryker Brigade Combat Team in Hawaii can be submitted until Feb. 19 to Robert DiMichele, U.S. Army Environmental Command, Building E4460, 5179 Hoadley Road, Attention: IMAE-PA, Aberdeen Proving-Ground, MD 21010-5401. A
story on Page A5 in yesterday's morning edition incorrectly said the deadline was Feb. 9.
» State Supreme Court Chief Justice Ronald Moon asked the Legislature for an additional $15.5 million for the Kapolei Court Complex and also a pay raise for some Family Court attorneys. A headline on Page A5 in yesterday's morning edition incorrectly said the $15.5 million would cover both the court complex and the pay raise. Also, the story implied that the money would be used for both.
The Star-Bulletin strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a question or comment about news coverage, call Editor Frank Bridgewater at (808) 529-4791 or email him at