Secrets to Success
Deborah Cole Micek
and John-Paul Micek
Who's No. 1 in your business?
Part two in a 13-part series
IN PART ONE of this series, you learned some critical requirements for making the 12 Laws of Online Marketing with business blogs, RSS, and podcasts work in your business. Now let's get right into Law #1.
Law #1: All of your online and off-line marketing, and all of your profits depend on your clients.
While this may seem obvious, most small-business owners and professionals don't really understand this law.
The true function of any successful business is to connect people with solutions to their wants, needs, and wishes. To put it bluntly, the people in your target audience don't give a rip about you or your business. All they really care about is how you can make their life easier or make their business better.
People in your target market want results. They want their needs met. They don't want to give you their hard-earned money unless you can give them a legitimate reason why they should do business with you instead of a competitor.
Once you fully accept this fact, stop thinking about your convenience, and start focusing all of your energy on discovering and delivering what your clients really want, you will literally be able to see your sales and profits increasing month after month.
THE PROBLEM with the way most business owners approach online marketing (including business blogs and podcasts) is that it has been a one-way conversation. Business owners stand on the proverbial online street corner shouting their message through a megaphone at passersby. And even smarter business owners, who know how to target their message and reach their desired audience, are only "pushing" their message at consumers.
Now thanks to RSS (Real Simple Syndication), which powers business blogs and podcasts, a true two-way online dialogue is easier than ever before.
The "commenting" feature of business blogs allows prospects (subscribers) and clients to instantly interact with you. This component is a major key to both your online and off-line marketing success.
Armed with a well-planned business blogging strategy, and the proper techniques to engage your online audience, you can build relationships with people online like never before.
Your business blog will allow you to prove to your target audience that you're focused on them and their needs. It will allow them to give you valuable feedback, clearing your path to more effective marketing.
Most important, the dialogue created will increase trust and build rapport, both of which are critical if you are ever going to succeed with your online marketing.
See the
Columnists section for some past articles.
John-Paul Micek is the lead business coach at RPM Success Group Inc. Reach him at
JPM@RPMsuccess.com or toll-free at (888) 334-8151.
Deborah Cole Micek, chief executive officer of RPM Success Group, is a business success coach and life strategist. Reach her at
DCM@RPMsuccess.com or toll-free at (888) 334-8151.