Barometer of Cool
Chauntel Busche
24 Fashion consultant
Mario Nanguse
26 Web multimedia director
Sheila Pagtakhan
27 Account executive
What was the last movie you saw, and why?
"Pirates of the Caribbean." I'm a big Johnny Depp fan. He's a very different actor.... and I enjoy his films.
"Flightplan," because I like suspense movies, and I like Jodie Foster.
I haven't seen a movie in a long time. I don't remember.
Do fashion magazines influence your choice of clothes and accessories?
Yes, "Runway" mainly, because I'm in that industry ... usually they're confirmation of what's in.
Not really, no.
Yes -- "Glamour," "Cosmo" (and) "Elle."
Do you have a favorite drink when you're out in the clubs?
Beer! Newcastle! I like dark beers, Guinness and Newcastle.
I don't drink.
Apple martinis, Appletinis.
Barometer of Cool appears on Saturdays.