Margaret Kahana Akiyama
Sept. 5, 2005
Margaret Kahana Akiyama, 74, of Kapaa, Kauai, a Big Save Inc. food preparer, died at home. She was born in Honolulu. She is survived by son Junior Ato; daughters Pacita Nerla, Carmen Saiki, Minda Hada and Jovita Lagoc; brothers Johnny, Clarence and Victor MokePuha; sisters Ella Wright, Marie Warner, Mercy Yong and Pua Stone; 18 grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. Services: 10 a.m. Oct. 22 at Lydgate Park. Scattering of ashes to follow. Aloha attire. No flowers.
Eleanor Margaret Carlos
Sept. 18, 2005
Eleanor Margaret Carlos, 80, of Kailua, a salesclerk, died in Kailua. She was born in Honolulu. She is survived by children Maureen Lopes, Eleanor Hee, Frank Jr. and Donna Wilson; sister Rita Turner; 14 grandchildren; and 26 great-grandchildren. Mass: noon Saturday at St. John Vianney's Enchanted Lake. Call after 10 a.m. Burial: 3 p.m. at Hawaiian Memorial Park.
Jean Snead Chock
Sept. 16, 2005
Jean Snead Chock, 68, of Mililani, a retired bank assistant vice president, died in Mililani. She was born in Honolulu. She is survived by husband Wilfred, mother Agnes Snead and sisters Patricia Snead and Sandra Moix. Services: 12:15 p.m. Monday at Diamond Head Mortuary. Call after 10:30 a.m. Inurnment: 12:45 p.m. at the mortuary. Casual attire.
Nellene Chai Daguay
Sept. 17, 2005
Nellene Chai Daguay, 60, of Honolulu, a retired First Hawaiian-Main Branch trust real estate administrator and Island Management office assistant, died in Straub Clinic & Hospital. She was born in Honolulu. She is survived by husband Stanley; son Darin Naito; daughters Deanne and Leanne Naito and Tanya Kemmler; mother Nellie Chai; half brother Calvin Chai; half sister Anita Tsang; and a grandchild. Services: 11:30 a.m. Tuesday at Diamond Head Mortuary. Call after 9 a.m. Burial to follow at Diamond Head Memorial Park. Casual attire.
Mary Lou Kapuaokalani De Aguiar
Sept. 20, 2005
Mary Lou Kapuaokalani De Aguiar, 69, of Hilo, a retired Hilo Airport custodial supervisor and former United Public Works shop steward, died at home. She was born in Honolulu. She is survived by sons Gardner, Sheldon, Courtney and Greg; hanai son Mac Asato; daughter Richelle Krueger; brother Donald Marques; sister Jeanette Kahlbaum; and 11 grandchildren. Services: 10:30 a.m. tomorrow at Dodo Mortuary. Call after 9 a.m. Burial to follow at Hawaii Veterans Cemetery No. 2. Casual attire.
Frank Entilla Jr.
Sept. 2, 2005
Frank Entilla Jr., 61, of Kahului, a Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar Co. laborer, died in the Philippines. He was born in Paia, Maui. He is survived by parents Frank and Mary C., and sister Colleen Trumbull. Services held. Incorrect information was given in an obituary Sunday.
Rose Mary Fernwalt
Sept. 17, 2005
Rose Mary Fernwalt, 86, of Holualoa, Hawaii, a retired cafeteria school worker, died in North Hawaii Community Hospital. She was born in Crown Point, Ind. She is survived by daughter Debra Gavelek. Private inurnment to be held in Crown Point.
Carole Ann Hayes
Sept. 20, 2005
Carole Ann Hayes, 67, of Honolulu, a homemaker and real estate agent, died in Honolulu. She was born in Lewiston, Idaho. She is survived by sons David E. and Robert N., and three grandchildren. Services to be announced at a later date.
Shirley Mae Jardine
Sept. 16, 2005
Shirley Mae "Mickey" Jardine, 61, of Hilo, a homemaker, died in Hilo Medical Center. She was born in Pahala, Hawaii. She is survived by fiance Alvin Logan; son Lenford; sisters Katherine Hamilton, Sheridan Camacho, Mae Yergaou and Judy Reyes; hanai sister Marlyce Correa; six grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. Services: 2:30 p.m. tomorrow at Dodo Mortuary. Call after 1:30 p.m. Cremation to follow. Casual attire.
Kenneth Hokumalamalama Kaauwai
Sept. 10, 2005
Kenneth Hokumalamalama Kaauwai, 68, of Kapaa, Kauai, an electrician, died at home. He was born in Lihue. He is survived by wife Alicia E.; sons Kenneth "Hoku" II and Jonah-Kuhio; daughter Michelle L. Efhan; brothers John, William, James and Bert; sisters Elizabeth Costa, Henrietta Gonsalves, Maureen Seagrove, Linda Iwamoto and Annette; and seven grandchildren. Services: 11 a.m. Saturday at Kapaa First Hawaiian Church. Call after 9 a.m. Casual attire. No flowers.
Douglas Mervin Kaeo
Sept. 19, 2005
Douglas Mervin "Doug" Kaeo, 59, of Lihue, a Hawaii Air National Guard electronic technician, died in Wilcox Memorial Hospital. He is survived by wife Bernie; son Danford; parents Juliet and Masao Matsumoto; brothers Eric, Craven and Jason Matsumoto; sisters Norma Nelson, Lucille Asada, Jan Ganutan and Christine Matsumoto; and two grandchildren. Celebration of life: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday at Kaeo residence, 4250 Kaana St., Lihue.
Arnel Camerino Kamelo
Sept. 9, 2005
Arnel Camerino Kamelo, 31, of Waipahu, a St. Francis and Queen's Medical Center employee, died in Waipahu. He was born in Poblacion Mawab, Davao Del Norte, the Philippines. He is survived by father Pedro; mother Flavia C.; brothers Osias, Vicente, Godofredo and Joseph; and sisters Evedelenia Cook, Imelda Saramosing, Evelyn Bruner and Mercedita Morgia. Services: 7 p.m. Saturday at Mililani Downtown Mortuary 20 S. Kukui St. Call after 6 p.m. Final services and burial to be held in the Philippines.
Kenneth H.S. Kwak
Sept. 15, 2005
Kenneth H.S. Kwak, 64, of South Bend, Ind., a retired state program administrator, died in South Bend. He was born in Honolulu. He is survived by wife Charlene B., sons Gavin B. and Kale S., brothers Anthony R. and Michael R., and sister Carol E. Wong. Mass: 6 p.m. Tuesday at Holy Trinity Church, 5919 Kalanianaole Highway. Call after 5 p.m. Private inurnment. Casual attire.
Walter Louis Morreira
Sept. 13, 2005
Walter Louis "Gizmo" Morreira, 76, of Waianae died in St. Francis-West Medical Services. He was born in Kula, Maui. He is survived by son Bobby, daughter Debra, hanai daughter Emily Garcia and brother Alan Camara. Services: 9 a.m. Saturday at New Heights Center, 87-680 Farrington Highway, Maili. Scattering of ashes to follow at Pokai Beach Park. Casual attire.
Helen Murray
Sept. 17, 2005
Helen Murray, 90, of Kaneohe, a homemaker, died in Honolulu. She was born on Kauai. She is survived by son Jerry; daughters Nani Murray and Ginny Souza; sisters Ida, Bernice, Marie and Dorothy; hanai sister Eva Victorino; 10 grandchildren; and 15 great-grandchildren. Private services.
Amy Fumiko Ogawa
Sept. 13, 2005
Amy Fumiko Ogawa, 86, of Honolulu, a retired Valley Barber Shop owner, died in Avalon Care Center in Honolulu. She was born in Waialua. She is survived by husband Benny M., sons Leonard K. and Glenn T., brother Rikio Tsuda, sisters Ethel Sumida and Jean Haru Puckett, and a grandchild. Private services.
Reiko Kiyoshi Okaneku
Sept. 17, 2005
Reiko Kiyoshi Okaneku, 71, of Honolulu died in Honolulu. She was born in Amami Oshima, Japan. She is survived by son David, daughters Margaret McGaughy and Aileen Agena, mother Tomi Kiyoshi, brother Kazuji Kiyoshi, sister Hatsuko Kiyoshi and four grandchildren. Services: 11 a.m. Sunday at Mililani Downtown Mortuary, 20 S. Kukui St. Call after 10 a.m. Inurnment to be held at a later date.
Ethel Misao Omura
Sept. 14, 2005
Ethel Misao Omura, 94, of Honolulu, a retired seamstress, died in Kuakini Medical Center. She was born in Lihue. She is survived by son Dudley A.; daughter Barbara S. Mannen; brothers Richard, Gilbert and Larry Iwamoto; sister Doris Nagata; and two grandchildren. Private services.
Marie M. Price
Sept. 16, 2005
Marie M. Price, 96, of Bellefonte, Pa., died in Kailua. She was born in Pennsylvania. She is survived by brother Joseph and sisters Eleanor Smith and Margaret Bolger. Services to be held in Pennsylvania.
Jose Tomas Salvacion
Sept. 2, 2005
Jose Tomas Salvacion, 83, of Pearl City died in Kapiolani Medical Center at Pali Momi. He was born in Dingras, Ilocos Norte, the Philippines. He is survived by wife Dominga; sons Jose, Felipe, Dario and Emilio; daughters Erlinda Guerrero and Luviminda; 14 grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren. Rosary: 7 p.m. Sunday at Mililani Mortuary-Waipio, mauka chapel. Call after 6 p.m. Mass: 10 a.m. Monday at the mortuary. Call after 9 a.m. Burial: 11 a.m. at Mililani Memorial Park.
George Gorozaimon Shiratori
Feb. 8, 2005
George Gorozaimon Shiratori, 85, of Honolulu died in Kuakini Geriatric Care Inc. He was born in Kaneohe. Private services.
June Emiko Sugioka
Sept. 7, 2005
June Emiko Sugioka, 53, of Brydeswood, Kauai, formerly of Honolulu, a Kauai Health Department registered sanitarian, died on Kauai. She was born in Honolulu. She is survived by parents Seichi and Hatsuko, and brother Glenn. Services: 4 p.m. Sunday at Nuuanu Memorial Park and Mortuary. Casual attire. No flowers.
Paul Fumio Suzuki
Sept. 14, 2005
Paul Fumio Suzuki, 91, of Washington, a retired 7-Up and Pepsi Co. driver, died in Washington. He was born in Hawaii. He is survived by brothers Phillip and Morris, and sister Vivian Weaver. Graveside services: 2 p.m. Saturday at Hawaiian Memorial Park. Aloha attire. No flowers.
Atae Uchida
Sept. 13, 2005
Atae "John" Uchida, 83, of Honalo, Hawaii, a Teshima's Restaurant chef and Kikuso Restaurant owner, died in Kona Community Hospital. He also was a former Keauhou Beach Hotel and Kona Hilton Hotel chef. He was born in Yamaguchi, Japan. He is survived by son Ray, daughters Michie Nakamura and Misako Sato, 16 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Services: 11:30 a.m. Sunday at Daifukuji Soto Mission Church Hall in Honalo. Call after 11 a.m. Casual attire. No flowers.
Victoria Vo
Sept. 14, 2005
Victoria Vo, infant daughter of Liem Ngoc Vo and Mai Thy Nguyen of Honolulu, died in Kapiolani Medical Center. She was born in Honolulu. She is also survived by grandparents Nam and Hahn Vo and Tam Nguyen; and great-grandparent Hoa Nguyen. Services: 9:30 a.m. tomorrow at National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific, Punchbowl.

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