Barometer of Cool
Frank Canete
"oldest teen," record prod.
Sara Forman
24, partier
Jaclyn Reilly
19, retail management
When is it time to change from summer to fall fashions?
"When it starts raining."
"In Hawaii there's never a time to change. It's always summer."
At what age do the parties end?
"When you stop asking your friends, 'What are we going to do tonight?' and start talking about what you did yesterday."
"When you can't go and walk up to get your own alcohol."
"The party never stops."
What is your favorite genre of music,
and who is your favorite artist?
"Tropical jazz fusion, the rhythm of the islands, the rumble in the jungle, the native groove. Are you native? My favorite artist is Stevie Wonder."
"I like everything as long as you can move to it. I don't have a favorite artist either."
"Dance music, hip-hop -- like they play at the Ocean Club. Favorite artist? I don't really have one."
Barometer of Cool appears on Saturdays.