

Peace prize offered
for kids’ works

War rages on in the Middle East. Terrorist attacks continue to instill fear globally. Meanwhile, Phillip Henry Jarosz is trying to send a different message to local children -- a message of peace.

How to enter

» Submit a work of art, essay, song, poem or story.

» Include your name, age, date of birth, contact information and a photo.

» Projects submitted through a school must include teacher's name and school contact information.

» Submissions will not be returned. Winning entries will be archived and preserved. The Peace Prize recipient's work will be published internationally, provided adult consent is granted.

» Send submissions to Little Philosophers, P.O. Box 11146, Maui 96761. Entries must be postmarked by Nov. 24. Winners will be announced at www.littlephilosophers.com on Dec. 24.

As director of Scaramouche Repertory Theatre in Maui and San Francisco, he founded Little Philosophers, a peace prize program, along with his wife, Annastina, as they traveled abroad.

"Little Philosophers is a glimpse of a vision for world peace, based on my observations and contributions to children's artistic and humanitarian projects worldwide," he said.

Children statewide, ages 5 to 10, are invited to submit artwork and essays explaining why "living aloha is the only successful formula for world peace." He anticipates entries will include poetry, music, essays, sculptures, paintings and jewelry.

"Unlimited imagination is the recipe," said Jarosz. Next year, he hopes to open the contest with a new theme to children worldwide.

The winner will be awarded the 2005 peace sculpture and $1,000. Contestants are also eligible for a creative award of $300 and an inspirational award of $500.

Judges will come from all over the world. "My sisters and I have been involved with international entertainment and cultural projects for decades. Our presence at the Cannes Film Festival for a dozen-plus years has brought us a bounty of judges for this year's Peace Prize," he said.

Jarosz has directed children's opera, composed music, authored books for kids, toured the globe as a solo pianist and even written peace speeches for Egypt's former first lady Jehan Sadat. The Scaramouche Repertory Theatre has contributed to cultural and humanitarian events worldwide.

He hopes through his peace prize to give children the excitement of inspiration, the discovery of new energies and the will to think beyond the average day.

"A child may certainly learn not to make the same mistakes each generation has made since time began -- that grave mistake to abandon the possibility of peace," he said.

"As a child's early life unfolds, the finest focus must be fine-tuning the positive energy and beauty within each child for the benefit of our planet. This is the first step toward world peace."

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