‘Lost’ DVD Launch Party

THE PAUSE THAT REFRESHES, HAWAIIAN STYLE!: BYU-Hawaii students John Milford, left, and Josh Hunt, right, introduced Eddie and Madellaine Guzelian to the refreshing taste of pure coconut milk on Tuesday at the party celebrating the release of the first season of "Lost" on DVD. Several hundred people rode trams from the Turtle Bay Hilton to a nearby banyan forest where sushi, stir-fry and mini-kebab foods stations awaited them in an eerie fantasyland of bright lights and dark shadows, odd noises, illuminated balloons, and a chunk of a wrecked aircraft. There were also several bars for people who wanted beer, wine or hard liquor. Eddie Guzelian was one of the Disney executives who flew out from the mainland for the back-to-back "Lost" and "Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has A Glitch" DVD release parties.

THEY DANCE JUST AS GOOD AS THEY WANT: Callie Lentz, left, and Daria Boone did double duty while portraying Oceanic Airlines flight attendants. After welcoming guests with cheerful talk about "crashing" during the "flight" to the party, they did a short set as go-go dancers while the go-go dancers took a break. No one seemed to know who Slug was when the band started playing, but the quartet made a great impression with a powerful set of vintage rock.

GREAT PERKS: Susan Soria-McLaine and Andy Siditsky were among the lucky Disney group execs who got to enjoy a week in Hawaii overseeing the "Lilo & Stitch 2" and "Lost" events.

A LONG NIGHT: Jerry Penacoli, right, entertainment correspondent for eXtra, pretended to interview Dirk Fukushima after they got the final shots they needed. It was a long night for reporters trying to talk to the stars of the show, and the guests of honor weren't given much time to enjoy the party.

THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT: Jodi Leong, covering the the event for "Entertainment Tonight," greeted "Lost" star Matthew Fox after he finally escaped the "red carpet" and was able to join the party. Fox was polite and gracious to partyers despite spending more than two hours giving interviews.
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