![]() Isle bosses band together to wash carsHere's the chance to make your boss work for you.The "Make Your Boss Wash Your Car" fund-raiser next week will benefit the Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific's Louis Vuitton Creative Arts Program. The event is scheduled from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. next Saturday at the hospital, 226 N. Kuakini St. Last year's car wash raised $1,500. The hospital is still accepting employers to volunteer to wash cars. Those who are already lined up include Stuart Ho, Glen Kaneshige and Ken Spence from Nordic Construction; Kitty Lagareta of Communications Pacific; developer Sanford Carr; Eric Rosso of DeGuilio Advertising; and Tom Ocasek, Michael Wood and Stephen Metter from MW Group, the sponsor of the second annual fund-raiser. The cost is $10 for cars and $15 for trucks, vans and SUVs. Advance tickets are available at the REHAB Foundation or by calling 566-3451.
Lecture on noni and cancer movedA lecture titled "Noni -- Does It Help Cancer Patients?" at the University of Hawaii at Manoa has been moved to a larger room to accommodate more people.The free lecture will now be held at the Hawaii Institute of Geophysics (HIG) Room 110 at 7 p.m. Wednesday rather than in Krauss Hall. The talk features Dr. Brian Issell, who received a grant from the National Institutes of Health to measure the effectiveness of freeze-dried noni in alleviating the effects of cancer. For more information, call 956-8246 or go to www.outreach.hawaii.edu/summer.
Hilo traffic affected by start of schoolBig Island police are reminding motorists that one-way traffic patterns are in effect in Hilo.Traffic is one-way on portions of Waianuenue Avenue and Kapiolani Street because schools are opening for the fall semester. From 7:15 to 8 a.m. on school days, traffic on Waianuenue Avenue between Komohana Street and Kamehameha Avenue is one-way in the makai direction. During the same hours, traffic along Kapiolani Street between Waianuenue Avenue and Haili Street is one-way in the Puna direction.
[ TAKING NOTICE ]» The Rotary Club of West Honolulu has recognized Dr. M. Puakea Nogelmeier, a professor of language at the University of Hawaii, with its annual Mary Kawena Pukui Award. The award honors a non-Hawaiian who has made a significant contribution to the Hawaiian community.» Easter Seals Hawaii has appointed Debbie Smatresk as the new program manager of the Sultan Early Intervention Program. Denise Bartimus has been promoted from Home & Community-Based Services assistant program manager to head manager. » Dr. Brian Issell has received the prestigious national St. George Award, given to outstanding volunteers of the American Cancer Society. Issell served as president of the board of directors from 2002 to 2004, and is currently leader of the University of Hawaii's Cancer Research Center clinical trials and information service. He also received the Aumakua Award, given to those who protect the work done by the cancer society. » The Hawaii National Guard Youth Challenge Academy has received the $10,000 Hawaii Modular Space Makana Hui Award. The academy provides 16- to 18-year-old at-risk students with life skills and gives them a second chance to get a high school diploma. » Goodwill Industries of Hawaii raised $77,000 at its 14th annual Fundraising Auction in February for its employment service programs to help those with barriers to job placement. » The Hawaiian Legacy Foundation has received $100,000 from the Office of Hawaiian Affairs to help fund "Lahaina: Changing Times," the ninth film in Eddie Kamae's award-winning "Hawaiian Legacy" series.
"Taking Notice" also runs on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
![]() ![]() By Star-Bulletin staff ![]() LEEWARD OAHUKapolei man is held in assault on his wife Police arrested a 28-year-old Kapolei man Thursday for allegedly threatening his wife with a handgun. Police said the suspect and his wife, 44, were arguing about 7 a.m. when he pulled out a firearm, pointed it at the victim and threatened to kill her. Police said he then assaulted his wife and left for work. He later turned himself in to police and was arrested for investigation of terroristic threatening, abuse of a household member and firearm offenses.
NEIGHBOR ISLANDSBig Island police seek help finding a suspect Big Island police are looking for a man wanted on two outstanding bench warrants. Police said Herman Pacheco Jr. of Hilo is 5 feet 7 inches tall and about 175 pounds, with a medium build and brown hair, brown eyes and a light complexion. Anyone with information is asked to call officer Richard Itliong at 808-961-2213, the police non-emergency number at 808-935-3311 or CrimeStoppers at 961-8300 in Hilo or 329-8181 in Kona.
HONOLULUMan is arrested in earlier threatening Police arrested a 41-year-old man for allegedly chasing another man with a wooden martial arts weapon in the Keeaumoku area earlier this month. Police said that at about 9:20 p.m. on July 18, the suspect was threatening to kill the 31-year-old victim. The suspect was found Wednesday and arrested for investigation of first-degree terroristic threatening.
WINDWARD OAHUPolice arrest man after teller is robbed A man was arrested on second-degree theft charges yesterday after allegedly grabbing money from a First Hawaiian Bank teller in Kaneohe. Police said a teller was handing cash to a customer when the man allegedly grabbed it and fled about 3:30 p.m., spurring an hours-long manhunt in Kaneohe that included a police helicopter. The man was later arrested and booked at the Kaneohe police station. His age was not immediately available.
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