John Tsukano / 1924-2005
Bernice Evelyn Teixeira Belaski
July 19, 2005
Bernice Evelyn Teixeira Belaski, 78, of Pearl City died in the Queen's Medical Center. She was born in Honolulu. She is survived by sons Steven, Raymond, Manuel and Ronaldo; daughters Linda Manuel and Hattie Bullock; brothers Herbert, Robert, James and William "Butchie" Teixeira; sisters Louise "Girlie" Arellano, Geraldine "Geri" Kinores and Cecelia Carvalho; 24 grandchildren; and 21 great-grandchildren. Services: 7:30 p.m. Sunday and 10:30 a.m. Monday at Mililani Downtown Mortuary, 20 S. Kukui St. Call after 6 p.m. Sunday and 9:30 a.m. Monday. Burial: 1 p.m. at Hawaiian Memorial Park in Kaneohe.
Maria Gail Apas Carpenter
July 7, 2005
Maria Gail Apas Carpenter, 38, formerly of Waipahu, died in Friendswood, Texas. She was born in the Philippines. She is survived by parents George and Alfreda, sister Donna Albarado and fiance Christian Ackman. Mass: noon Saturday at Our Lady of Peace Cathedral. Celebration of life: 1:30 p.m.
Edward Y.F. Hew
July 24, 2005
Edward Y.F. Hew, 81, of Kula, Maui, a retired Kula Hospital employee and Kaupo and Kanaolu Ranches paniolo, died in Maui Memorial Medical Center. He was born in Makawao, Maui. He is survived by wife Blanche; son Richard Ogle; daughters Marilyn Purdy, Hester Paiva, Bonnie Wong and Honey Girl Deluz; brothers David and Clement; sisters Ethel Dong, Pauline Featheran and Patricia Ching; 10 grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren. Services: 7:30 p.m. Sunday at Ballard Family Mortuary. Call after 6 p.m. Additional services: 11 a.m. Monday at St. John's Episcopal Church in Kula. Call after 10 a.m. Burial: noon at church cemetery. Luncheon to follow at church parish hall. Casual attire. Leis welcome.
Walter Gabriel Holden
July 25, 2005
Walter Gabriel Holden, 88, of Mililani, a retired Iolani School teacher, died at home. He was born in Romania. He is survived by wife Florence; son Niko Borrelli; stepsons Lonny, John, Eric and Don Wright; daughter Sandrine Borrelli; and five grandchildren. Services: 11:30 a.m. Tuesday at Iolani School St. Alban's Chapel.
Lourdes Ilaban Ipalari
July 8, 2005
Lourdes Ilaban Ipalari, 84, of Ewa Beach died in St. Francis-West Medical Center. She was born in Sinait, Ilocos Sur, the Philippines. She is survived by husband Alfonso A.; sons Antonio and Edgardo; daughters Adoracion Ipalari-Balagso, Naty Lived, Ofelia Chan, Leonor Ipalari-Tuazon, Madeline Bustria and Anabell Rafanan; 26 grandchildren; and 19 great-grandchildren. Services: 7:30 p.m. Sunday at Mililani Mortuary-Waipio, mauka chapel. Call after 6 p.m. Mass: 9:45 a.m. Monday at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, 1525 Waimano Home Road, Pearl City. Call after 9 a.m. Burial: 11 a.m. at Mililani Memorial Park. Casual attire.
Edward Kai
July 21, 2005
Edward Kai, 77, of Diamond Bar, Calif., a retired U.S. Army master sergeant, Veterans Administration supervisor and Los Angeles County building manager at Patriotic Hall, died. He was born in Naalehu, Hawaii. He is survived by wife Felicitas; sons Edward, Peter, Jeffrey and Dennis; daughter Leilani; brothers and sisters Harriett Polinar, Mary Kamaka, Betty Chang and Charles Hoodong; and five grandchildren. Services: 11:30 a.m. Monday at National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific, Punchbowl. Reception to follow at Dole Plantation Ball Room. Aloha or casual attire.
Benjamin Kan Yuke Mau
June 10, 2005
Benjamin Kan Yuke Mau, 84, of Honolulu, a retired real estate broker, died in St. Francis Medical Center. He was born in Honolulu. He is survived by wife; son Michael; daughters Zandra Yamamoto, Alethea Train and Diana Nakagawa; brothers William and Wilfred; sisters Mavis Lee, Vivian Fo and Loretta Young; and four grandchildren. Private services.
Chieko Okado
June 28, 2005
Chieko Okado, 93, of Honolulu, a retired self-employed drapery and upholstery seamstress, died in Kuakini Medical Center. She was born in Kilauea, Kauai. She is survived by son Ernest N., daughter Flora K. Arasako, brother Kazuso Sunada, three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Private services.
Masatoshi Okuna
July 21, 2005
Masatoshi Okuna, 86, of Hilo, a retired Excelsior Diary milk deliveryman, died in Hilo Medical Center. He was born in Kau, Hawaii. He is survived by sons Richard and Albert, daughters Margaret Torigoe and Elaine Yamaguchi, sisters Tokie Fujimoto and Alice Furusho, eight grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. Services: 5 p.m. Monday at Dodo Mortuary in Hilo. Call after 3 p.m. Casual attire. No flowers. No monetary offerings.
Ila Peter
July 22, 2005
Ila Peter, 92, of Kaneohe died in Kaneohe. She was born in Michigan. She is survived by daughter Margo and a grandchild. Private services. Donations suggested to Kailua Public Library.
Marie C. Reider
July 25, 2005
Marie C. Reider, 101, of Kaneohe, a homemaker, died in the Ponds at Punaluu. She also was a former Camp Winnetka owner and operator in Millsboro, Del. She was born in Pennsylvania. She is survived by daughters Dorothy M. Goldsborough and Jocelyn Boudreaux, three grandchildren, two great-grandchildren and five great-great-grandchildren. Private services.
Patricia Ricarte
July 20, 2005
Patricia "Pat" Ricarte, 54, of Honolulu died in Honolulu. She was born in Honolulu. She is survived by mother Ida, brothers Richard and Michael, and sisters Maryann and Bettylou. Private services.
Janet Ortiz Smith
July 16, 2005
Janet Ortiz Smith, 74, of Waipahu, a dentist in the Philippines and retired Kaiser Punawai Clinic receptionist, died in Kaiser Medical Center. She was born in Iloilo City, the Philippines. She is survived by husband Herman H., sons Mark A. and Anthony J., daughter Maria E., brother Joe Ortiz, sisters Lourdes Davis and Nisena Roces, and three grandchildren. Services: 6:30 p.m. Monday at Mililani Mortuary-Waipio, mauka chapel. Call after 5:30 p.m. Mass: 11:30 a.m. Tuesday at St. John Apostle and Evangelist Church, 95-370 Kuahelani Ave., Mililani. Call after 9:30 a.m. Burial: 1 p.m. at Hawaii State Veterans Cemetery, Kaneohe. Casual attire.
Frank Daniel Stola Jr.
July 7, 2005
Frank Daniel Stola Jr., 76, of Honolulu, an electrician, died in Honolulu. He was born in Pennsylvania. No survivors. Private scattering of ashes.
Earl Wayne Tillman
July 14, 2005
Earl Wayne "Black Eagle" Tillman, 67, of Haleiwa, a percussionist, died at home. He was born in New Orleans. He is survived by sons Salaam and Sherman, daughters Gina M. Chaplin and Krishna Tillman, former wife Kristine and three grandchildren. Celebration of life: noon Sunday at Queen's Surf in Waikiki. Burial: 1 p.m. Monday at National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific, Punchbowl. Casual attire.

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