Show-biz pals roast, perform
for fashion designer Nakeu
ISLE fashion designer
Nakeu Awai was roasted by his show-biz pals at a benefit for Temari -- The Center for Asian and Pacific Art at the Japanese Cultural Center July 16.
Robert Cazimero, Kaipo Hale, Puanani Higgins and
Alvin Ing did the roasting. Robert played piano as Kaipo sang.
Alvin, back home for a visit, sang, backed by pianist
Betty Loo Taylor. Awai was in show biz before becoming a top designer of Hawaiian fashions. He and Alvin performed in New York. Alvin is still performing, most recently in "Revival of Pacific Overtures" on Broadway ...
Halekulani G.M. Fred Honda retires at the end of the month after 40 successful years in the hotel business, six at the Halekulani. Even though retirement was just days away, there he was last Friday, making his rounds and greeting guests at the hotel's House Without a Key. Halekulani CEO Peter Shaindlin has invited people to a reception for Fred and new G.M. Janis Clapoff Tuesday ... Noel Okimoto and his jazz quartet headline the Academy of Arts ARTafterDARK event Friday. Cool Nights, Hot Jazz (and Blues) runs from 6 to 9 p.m. Entry is only $7 ...
Judy Jensen was here for a few days recently to escape the ferocious Arizona heat. Sunday, she attended the 65th birthday party of Wera Barratt, longtime assistant manager at the Hilton Hawaiian Village, at the home of Dutch and Howard Peck. Judy is the ex-wife of singer Dick Jensen. Dick and Augie Rey attended the party. Bart Bascone, 55, Dick's former band leader and an arranger for many isle performers, died Friday ... Augie, Carlos Barboza and Bobby King, besides their Saturday-nighter at the Elks Club, open a weekly Waikiki Yacht Club gig Friday ...
Have a boss wash your car at Rehab Hospital
Wanna have "The Boss" wash your car? That's what will happen Aug. 6 at Rehab Hospital from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Volunteer bosses
Stuart Ho, Glen Kaneshige, Ken Spence, Kitty Lagareta, Sanford Carr, Eric Rosso, Tom Ocasek, Michael Wood and
Stephen Metter will be washing. Cost is $10 for cars and $15 for larger vehicles. Call 566-3451 for tickets. Bosses wanting in should call
Denise Nakano, 733-0277 ext. 305. Money will go to the patients' art program ...

See the
Columnists section for some past articles.
Ben Wood, who sold the Star-Bulletin in the streets of downtown Honolulu during World War II, writes of people, places and things every Wednesday and Saturday. E-mail him at