Letters to the Editor ![]() Let's put a deposit on cigarette buttsFew weeks ago, someone mentioned recycling used cigarette butts. I want to extend the project by charging smokers an extra $2.10 deposit per cigarette pack. To get their refund, the smoker would need to bring back the 20 butts and the container to any tobacco retailer and ship it back to the senders (Phillip Morris and co.) for destruction.This bill would allow the cleanup of our beaches, our streets and our parks, thanks to the needy and people willing to harvest them. Easy money! State assembly, let's get out of your cocoon and become wonderful innovators that would give Hawaii a reputation as modern state ready to change for better.
Guy Belegaud Honolulu
Higher ed doesn't have to be out of reachThe cost of a college education has increased drastically in the last three decades. It makes obtaining a higher education so much more difficult for the high school graduates.The University of Hawaii can help by providing scholarships to at least 1,000 local students, judging from their academic achievement, leadership quality, humanitarian service and financial needs. There are many ways parents can help their children to achieve college education. For example:
» Parents can send their children to a trade school to learn a marketable skill so that they can make enough money to support themselves and go to college part-time.
With hard work and determination, the goal of higher education should be readily achieved by those who really want it.» Parents can share the burden by providing room and board, and help to pay for part of the college expenses, while their children can work part time to pay for going to college full time.
Cecilia Graybeal Honolulu
Will Democratic Party change Kim's values?As a Republican I was surprised that Mayor Kim of Hawaii is considering running for governor as a Democrat. Democrats as well as Republicans highly respect the mayor for his integrity and political nonpartisanship. I hope he rethinks this possible decision. Running as a Democrat might erode the very image that got him elected as mayor -- independence, nonpartisanship, a virtually moneyless campaign and no ties to special interest groups that would jeopardize his ability to govern for all the people of Hawaii, regardless of party.In 2006 he would be running statewide and it might be difficult to run the same kind of campaign as he did on the Big Island. How independent can he be in his relationship with the Democratic organization, the Democratic legislative leadership and union leaders? How willing is he to compromise with the power centers of the Democratic party to be able to get known statewide and have the grass-roots workers essential to getting elected? Will be able to keep his independence and integrity or will he do whatever it takes to get elected? I hope after thinking long and hard Mayor Kim decides that Governor Lingle shares his ideas of reform and change more so than many Democratic politicians and remains a Republican, running with the governor in 2006.
Theodore Taba Honolulu
How many Iraqis have been killed?It is horrible to read about innocent Londoners being killed and maimed. The same was true about the innocent New Yorkers killed in 9/11 and the citizens of Madrid killed and maimed last year. Are the innocent men, women and children of Iraq who are killed and maimed a lesser breed undeserving of a similar outpouring of grief and sympathy? Does anyone know how many have been killed and maimed since this war-of-choice began? Does anyone care?
Ed Sullam Honolulu
Why exclude gambling under Akaka Bill?In the July 19 Star Bulletin, there was an article that stated the Akaka Bill will outlaw gambling. Not allow gambling?! Another classic example of this liberal state trying to tell us how we can and cannot spend our own money. My support for the Akaka Bill just went from 100 percent to zero. Book me another ticket to Vegas!
Justin L. Tanoue Kaneohe, Hawaii
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