Marine lab looks
The authority plans to select a master developer in September, said Daniel Dinell, executive director. "Both UH and HCDA are working cooperatively to find a suitable relocation site (for the marine lab)."
This is critical because the laboratory's researchers have more than $5.6 million in federal grants and more are pending funding, Hadfield said. "The UH has to guarantee that facilities are there and functional for the grants."
Ostrander said he's looking at all possibilities that would provide a flow of sea water and be close to the Manoa Campus for faculty members who teach and students who work in the lab.
"I'm working very hard to try to find a location for them between the current location and Diamond Head, even within a couple blocks from the ocean."
If a new facility must be built, Ostrander said, "it makes sense to have 20,000 to 30,000 feet" instead of 10,000 to 12,000 square feet. This would allow for potential expansion and other researchers on campus that might want to use sea water flowing through aquariums, he said.
The present site has a stunning view towards Diamond Head but the big draw for the researchers is the water.
About 500 gallons an hour of "superb" sea water are pumped from 900 feet off shore to the laboratory, Hadfield said.
Tucked away in a corner of his office are plans drawn up by San Francisco architects a few years ago for a new laboratory envisioned as part of a KUD International LLC complex on 11.5 acres at Point Panic. It would have been built at the rear of the present laboratory site.
"They were willing to build us a new lab but they wanted to build it and have us pay for it," said James Gaines, UH interim vice president for research. "How we would have paid for the lab was something none of us had an inkling of."
Still, Hadfield said, "It was a dream come true," with four floors and a sea water lanai for aquarium tanks. "I can't bring myself to throw them (plans) away."
The idea of an HCDA-KUD partnership fell apart last fall when the authority decided to seek a master developer for a larger development project.
Although the lab isn't well known locally, Hadfield said, the research being done there "is fundamental with important breakthroughs in biological science." Major science publications have featured the work.
"Kewalo has been true to its mission all the way," he said, "to be an experimental biological lab, a place where marine organisms are selected for special traits and brought to the lab to answer fundamental questions in biology."