Isle Pages
New releases from
Hawaii authors

"Punahou Blues"
By Kirby Wright
Lemon Shark, $14.95
The writing here, by short-story whiz Wright, is deceptively simple, but it takes you right back into the turbulent social and political world of high-school Hawaii in the '60s and '70s. Wright has crafted a flashback of the highest order.

"Illustrated Hawaiian Dictionary"
By Kahikahealani Wight, art by Robin Yoko Racoma
Bess Press, $9.95
This is a handy little guide that's heavier on the Hawaiian than on the English. That is, it's for people who are serious about learning Hawaiian.

"Lahaina Noon"
By Eric Paul Shaffer
Leaping Dog, $14.95
A slim volume of poetry with rather oblique references.

"Whose Slippers Are Those?"
By Marilyn Kahalewai, art by Gavin Kobayashi
Bess Press, $10.95
Another kids' book centered on the humble slipper. Nice art.