Irene Hatsue Tengan Almeida
June 24, 2005
Irene Hatsue Tengan Almeida, 79, of Honolulu, died. She was born in Makawao, Maui. She is survived by husband George, daughter Carol Souza, brother Larry Tengan, sister Elsie Morosin and three grandchildren. Services: 12:45 p.m. Saturday at Nuuanu Memorial Park. Aloha attire. No flowers. Donations suggested to charity.
Pui Hwa Cheung
June 24, 2005
Pui Hwa Cheung, 61, of Hono-lulu, an Outrigger Hotels housekeeper, died in St. Francis Hospice. She was born in Canton, China. She is survived by husband Cheuk Kei and sons Kerry and Kyle. Visitation: 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Friday at Borthwick Mortuary. Taoist services. Burial: 1 p.m. at Hawaiian Memorial Park.
Florenda Jean Cortez
June 4, 2005
Florenda Jean "Lynda" Cortez, 47, of Pearl City, self-employed, died in Kapiolani Medical Center at Pali Momi. She was born in Lihue. She is survived by son Ryan Santos; daughters Melissa and Michle'le; mother Flora; brothers Davis Sr., Richard, Patrick, Clifford and Dennis; and sisters Juliana L., Filomena and Norma Cortez, Peggy Salba and Debra Leikvoll. Celebration of life: 10 a.m. Saturday at Lydgate Beach Park. Casual attire. No flowers. Incorrect information was given in an obituary yesterday.
Richard Masao Doi
June 25, 2005
Richard Masao Doi, 78, of Hanapepe, Kauai, a County of Kauai fireman, U.S. Army veteran, Kauai Commercial Merchandise Division stevedore and soda fountain shop employee, died. He was born in Eleele, Kauai. He is survived by wife Sadie; children Stanley, Steven and Eleanor; brothers Mansfield and Charles; sister Helen Honnaka; and two grandchildren. Services: 10 a.m. Saturday at Hanapepe United Church of Christ. Call after 8:30 a.m. Casual attire. No flowers.
Edith Lokalia Gorai
June 20, 2005
Edith Lokalia Gorai, 81, of Kahana Bay, a homemaker, died in Waipahu. She was born in Honolulu. She is survived by son Kapiolani "Kaipo"; daughters Alvina A. Domingo, Christy M. Gorai-Kaniho, Mona M. Gorai and April L. Quidachay; brother David "Kaipo" Naiapaakai; 26 grandchildren; and 46 great-grandchildren. Services: 10 a.m. Tuesday at Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints-Hauula 2nd Ward, makai chapel. Call after 9 a.m. Burial: noon at Laie Cemetery. Casual attire.
Haruko Gushi
June 1, 2005
Haruko "Evelyn" Gushi, 90, of Honolulu, a retired Evelyn's Lunch Service owner, died in Avalon Care Center in Honolulu. She was born in Kohala, Hawaii. She is survived by son William; daughter Margot Sarae; brother Paul J. Goya; sisters Beatrice Segawa, Bernice Shimabukuro and Hazel Yasutomi; six grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. Private services. Donations suggested to Jikoen Hongwanji Mission.
Clara Ho
June 27, 2005
Clara Ho, 98, of Hanalei, Kauai, a teacher, died in Wilcox Memorial Hospital. She was born in Waimea, Kauai. She is survived by husband Kan Sing, daughter Dorothy Vigilante, brother Edward Ching, sister Katherine Loo, two grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Services: 10 a.m. tomorrow at St. Catherine's Church in Kapaa, Kauai. Call after 9:30 a.m. Burial to follow at church cemetery. Casual attire.
Teruyo Kawachi
June 25, 2005
Teruyo "Julia" Kawachi, 87, of Pahala, Hawaii, a homemaker, died in Kau Hospital. She was born in Pahala. She is survived by sons Glenn, Michael, Wayne and Rick; seven grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Services: 5 p.m. tomorrow at Pahala Hongwanji. Call after 4 p.m. No flowers. No monetary offerings.
Irineo Tapaoan Manuel
June 8, 2005
Irineo Tapaoan Manuel, 95, of Waialua, a retired Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard employee, died in Wahiawa General Hospital. He was born in Laoag City, the Philippines. He is survived by wife Nina D.; sons John and George; stepchildren Benjamin and Marino Almazan and Armand and Rowena Duldulao; 16 grandchildren; and over 20-great-grandchildren. Services: noon Saturday at Mililani Mortuary-Waipio, makai chapel. Call after 9 a.m. Burial: 12:30 p.m. at Mililani Memorial Park. Casual attire. Flowers welcome.
Randall Y. Matsumoto
June 24, 2005
Randall Y. "Randy" Matsumoto, 44, of Lihue, a state van driver, died in Wilcox Memorial Hospital. He was born in Lihue, Kauai. He is survived by wife Alison, sons Jason and Aaron, daughter Karen, parents Shigeru and Marilyn, brother Lance and grandparent Toshie Hada. Services: 11 a.m. Saturday at Nawiliwili Small Boat Harbor Ramp. Casual attire.
Irene Kaiwahine Kaeo Niau Maynard
June 14, 2005
Irene Kaiwahine Kaeo Niau Maynard, 70, of Makawao, Maui, a community services Hawaiian activist, died in Maui Memorial Medical Center. She was born in Hanalei, Kauai. She is survived by sons Alona, Bernard and Robert Rozet; daughters Bunnylee Hick, Zelii Iokia and Nellie "Niau" Austin; brother George K. Niau; 37 grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren. Services: 10 a.m. July 8 at Ballard Family Mortuary. Call after 9 a.m. Graveside services: 1 p.m. at Valley Isle Memorial Park. Aloha attire.
William Herman Melemai Jr.
June 24, 2005
William Herman Melemai Jr., 81, of Kula, Maui and Pauoa Valley, a police detective and U.S. Army veteran, died at home. He was born in Honolulu. He is survived by a son, five daughters and nine grandchildren. Services: 3 p.m. Friday at National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific, Punchbowl, at the Commital Court at the Columbarium.
Isamu Nii
June 25, 2005
Isamu Nii, 89, of Kahului, a retired Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar Co. industrial engineering department junior analyst, died at home. He was born in Hiroshima, Japan. He is survived by wife Florence H.; son Fred; daughters Helen Orikasa, Iris Nakahara and Irene Sugibayashi; brother Yutaka; four grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. Services: 4 p.m. Saturday at Kahului Hongwanji Mission. Call after 3 p.m.
Haruko Oshiro
June 20, 2005
Haruko Oshiro, 91, of Mountain View, Hawaii, died in Hilo Medical Center. She was born in Mountain View. She is survived by sons Harry and Sadao; daughters Mieko Kitamura and Jean Murashige; sisters Kiku Tamashiro, Yoshiko Shima and Mitsuko Tamashiro; seven grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. Private services. No monetary offerings.
Ricardo M. Ramos
June 27, 2005
Ricardo M. Ramos, 82, of Hanamaulu, Kauai, a retired Lihue Sugar Plantation mobile irrigation worker, died in Wilcox Memorial Hospital. He was born in Ilocos Norte, the Philippines. He is survived by wife Estrella; sons Elson, Billy and George; daughters Vicky and Arleen; brother Demetrio; sister Adelina Flores; 17 grandchildren; and 26 great-grandchildren. Mass: 10 a.m. Friday at Immaculate Conception Church in Kapaia, Kauai. Call after 8 a.m. Burial to follow at Kauai Memorial Gardens.
Haruko Saito
June 25, 2005
Haruko Saito, 75, of Kahului, a Nashiwa Bakery assistant baker, died in Maui Memorial Medical Center. She was born in Japan. She is survived by husband Itaru; sons Dennis, Harry and Barry; daughter Midori Iwami; six grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. Private services.
Alberta Marie Schmidt
June 19, 2005
Alberta Marie Schmidt, 52, of Pearl City, died in Washington. She was born in Honolulu. She is survived by husband William; son Derek; daughters Heidi Pommer, Jennifer Zanelli and Heather Rieckewald-Schmidt; parents Albert and Rose Garcia; brothers Eric and Albert Garcia; sisters Debra and Jane Ross and Andrea Heckler; and two grandchildren. Services: 11:30 a.m. Saturday at Borthwick Mortuary. Call after 10 a.m. Burial: 3 p.m. at Hawaiian Memorial Park. Casual attire. No flowers. Donations suggested to Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation or the Autism Society.
Paul K.M. Sung Jr.
May 30, 2005
Paul K.M. Sung Jr., 45, of Wahiawa, a self-employed fisherman, died. He is survived by wife Sherry; stepchildren Brant Matsuda, Keli Pong and Shezna Kaahanui; mother Mary; sister Lillian Cruz; and two step-grandchildren. Private services.
Roger Frederick Vore
June 18, 2005
Roger Frederick Vore, 89, of Honolulu, died at home. He was born in Kansas City, Mo. He is survived by wife Theresa, daughters Marilyn Kali and Jeanine Vore, and three grandchildren. Private services.
Helena Boksoon Yamamoto
June 21, 2005
Helena Boksoon Yamamoto, 69, of Aiea, a retired Helena-Garment contractor proprietor, died at home. She was born in Youngchun, Kyunbuk, South Korea. She is survived by husband David M., daughters Joan S. Tanji and Cara T. Heilmann, sisters Sun Yee Arai and Florence Mal Soun Oshita, and four grandchildren. Services: 6 p.m. Saturday at Mililani Mortuary-Waipio, mauka chapel. Call after 5 p.m. Casual attire.

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