‘World LIVE Web’
gives you the edge
Small-business owners are clamoring to get their hands on resources to show them how to leverage the technology of blogs and Really Simple Syndication (
Why are blogs so popular with small-business owners? It has to do with how the Internet is changing the way business gets done.
According to Technorati.com : "The World LIVE Web is the syndicated subset of the World Wide Web. Sites in this subset update often, sending out 'live' notifications by RSS and similar means every time new content is posted or updated."
Technorati indexes more than 3 million sources on the World Live Web. Each one of these sources can be updated at any time, generating "active content (such as new blog entries) within a 24-hour period."
In essence, the World Live Web is that part of the Web that is live. Blogs allow for the real-time publishing of information and the ability to reference and link to that information instantly. Blogs magnificently and ingeniously send notification about new information to the World Live Web as it becomes available.
What results is a symphony of activity consisting of real-time, search-engine indexing and live-content updates. Other bloggers are reading and linking to each other. Ideas and information are shared and exchanged with lightning-quick speed and efficiency. This happens because blogs cross reference each other and the search engines that love blog content drive this frequently updated content to the top of the search-engine results.
In the "society" of the World Live Web, each "citizen blog" lives within its own social system. What occurs is the natural influence of ideas and opinions upon one another as like-minded people reference and link to each other.
The building blocks of these social networks are the real-time conversations of bloggers as expressed through instant publishing.
Each citizen normally garners a readership that can range from one person to thousands. As that citizen engages the readership in two-way communications, a common "trust" begins to build. The citizen begins to establish an authoritative voice for his or her topic and begins to build influence.
The Internet has changed and the growth in blog publishing has significantly changed how people use the Internet for Web publishing.
Blogs are the most influential communications tool on the Internet at the moment. While there are other communications tools like e-mail and instant messaging, none of these is exercising influence in a way that matters most for online publishing.

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John-Paul Micek is the lead business coach at RPM Success Group Inc. Reach him at
JPM@RPMsuccess.com or toll-free at (888) 334-8151.
Deborah Cole Micek, chief executive officer of RPM Success Group, is a business success coach and life strategist. Reach her at
DCM@RPMsuccess.com or toll-free at (888) 334-8151.