Maka and Duke enjoy playing in their "kitty condo," a nice item to have in a feline-friendly home. Other items to keep a cat happy include a carpeted shelf at a window, a carpeted "tree" to climb and a scratching post. And don't forget "kitty grass" to munch on and lots of toys.
Give a pair of kitties
a new home
Hawaiian Humane Society
Love-a-Cat month in June is a time to show love for cats, when plenty of cats and kittens are looking for new homes.
During Love-a-Cat month, the Hawaiian Humane Society will waive one $55 adoption fee for anyone who takes home two cats or kittens, or one adult cat and one kitten.
All humane society cats are vaccinated, sterilized and microchipped before they go home. Adopters also receive a Nutro cat-food starter kit and a coupon for a free flea product (Revolution, Topspot or Frontline Plus) redeemable at Oahu veterinary clinics.
Kitty T
A new T-shirt -- "Kitty Rhapsody" -- is available at Crazy Shirts at Ala Moana and Pearlridge centers, as well as at the humane society.
Buy the T-shirt in June and receive a coupon for a free microchip ID.
The T-shirt pictures a cat band, kitty choir and mouse background singers, printed in sunset colors. The sleeve is printed with the year 2005, for collective value.
Cats in the law
It's the 10th anniversary of the Cat Protection Law. Enacted in 1995, the law states that all cats, age 6 months or older, must be spayed or neutered if allowed outside.
The city's "Neuter Now" program offers low-cost spay and neuter surgery at veterinary clinics.
For information on the law or to obtain a "Neuter Now" brochure, visit Go to "Other Programs," then "Neuter Now."
Cat walking
Cat harnesses or "cat walking jackets" are growing in popularity among those who'd like to take their feline friends out without risking an escape.
For more than a year, humane society volunteers have successfully trained cats to use the jackets.
Their advice: Start with short indoor sessions to help familiarize your kitty with the harness. As it adjusts, start moving it outdoors. Although your cat might resist leash training at first, its love for the outdoors will soon overcome any dislike for a leash.
The items are available at the society for about $25.
Stop the presses!
The deadline for pet photos for the humane society's 2006 "Pets in Paradise" calendar has been extended to June 30.
Submit photos of those fantastic furry and feathered faces. The $15 entry fee helps support the society's work, and all photos submitted appear in the calendar.
For information visit the Web site,
"Pet Ohana" runs the first and third Fridays of the month. The Hawaiian Humane Society is a nonprofit agency dedicated to preventing cruelty to animals. It is at 2700 Waialae Ave. Call 946-2187.