JUNE 17/18/19 |

Kids’ Zone
Keep the keiki busy with
a summer full of fun
PARENTS OFTEN must search for activities to keep their kids entertained during long summer breaks. Otherwise, the "we're bored" and "nothing to do" chorus threatens to wreak havoc on one's sanity.
Family outings can be expensive. If admission fees don't get you, the cost of drinks and snacks will. Even at a 50-cent theater, munchies for a family of four can end up costing $20. But fun times don't always need to put a dent in your wallet.
Fortunately, we live in surroundings that are perfect for inexpensive outdoor activities. Free or minimal-cost activities are available throughout the island. Packing a picnic lunch while enjoying the outdoors can keep costs under control so even the family bread winners can relax.
Bring your Frisbees, balls, cards, board games, snacks and lunch to turn a beach visit into an all-day affair.
Camping is another popular option. If you aren't a big fan of the wilderness, try setting up camp in your own back yard. A tent can even be made by stringing sheets or blankets over a clothesline. That way, if you get tired, the comfort of your own bed awaits you.
For indoor types, libraries and local bookstores often host storytelling or special events. And shopping malls often host an array of entertainment for keiki. Library video rentals cost only $1 for a seven-day period for watching in your leisure. Music CDs can be checked out for a 21-day period at no cost.
Simple, low-cost activities may require a bit more creative thinking, but they can lead to some memorable adventures for the whole family.

Get a few families together to tour your neighborhood fire station. A minimum of five children is required. Above, Ian Matsueda of the Makiki Fire Station lets 6-year-old Jocelyn Vikash sit behind the wheel of a firetruck.
Free Activities
Get Artsy
» Honolulu Academy of Arts: "Family Days" offers free admission every third Sunday with art-making projects for children, live music, dance performances, storytelling, gallery hunts, a play or puppet show, or film, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 900 S. Beretania St. Families can also visit the galleries. Call 532-3621. This Sunday, the focus will be on "Fantastic Forms," three-dimensional sculptures in an array of shapes, sizes and styles. Create your own art piece from puffy putty or a variety of recycled materials. On July 17, learn about different cultures through their dances, in an event titled "Shall We Dance?" held in conjunction with "The Art of Hula" exhibition. On Aug. 21, the theme is "Water, Water Everywhere," with the galleries overflowing with imagery of waterfalls, lakes, rivers and seascapes. Keiki will take home a rain stick they make.
» The Contemporary Museum: Visit the museum at 2411 Makiki Heights Drive, open free on the third Thursday each month. On other days, kids under 12 are always admitted free. Call 526-0232. The museum is also open to "Artspree," from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. July 9. Dozens of performances, live music and hands on art activities for all ages at the free, annual community open house. Call 237-5230.
Let's go fishing
» Family fishing day happens 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. every Saturday and Sunday at Hoomaluhia Gardens. Participants can fish for tilapia and release their catch back into the park's stream. Families should bring hand-held poles, small barbless hooks, bait, buckets, walking shoes, insect repellent, light rain gear and a picnic lunch. Call 233-7323.
Explore a garden
Botanical gardens offer an array of plants, trees and a serene atmosphere for picnics.
» Hoomaluhia has 400 acres to explore. Camping is allowed with a permit. Located in Kaneohe at 45-680 Luluku Road. Call 233-7323.
» Koko Crater Botanical Garden has a variety of cacti and exotic African plants. Only self-guided tours are available. Located next to Koko Stables with access from Kealahou Street. Call 522-7060.
» Liliuokalani Botanical Garden allows viewing of an abundance of native Hawaiian plants. Located between North Kuakini and School streets. Call 522-7060.
» Wahiawa Botanical Garden lets you walk through a rain forest. Located at 1396 California Ave. Call 621-7321.
» Urban Garden Center: Self guided tours through theme gardens including a pizza, sundial, animal, Hawaiian alphabet tree, sensory, house and butterfly gardens. Located at 962 2nd St. in Pearl City. Call 453-6050.
Use your noggin
» Free chess lessons 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesdays at Pearlridge Mall Uptown. Call 488-0981.
» Windward Chess Club meets 6 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays. Lessons provided from 7 to 8 p.m. at Windward Mall Centerstage. Yu-Gi-Oh tournaments are held from 6 to 9 p.m. Fridays. Call 235-1567.
» Chess, checkers and puzzle play, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays at Town Center of Mililani. Also Yu-Gi-Oh card play and tournament. Call 625-5233.

Pearlridge and Windward malls offer free chess lessons. Above, 8-year-old Aleksndar Stefanov learns a few moves from veteran players in Waikiki.
Quiet time
Public libraries offer an array of free events including storytelling, movie showings and magic shows. They also offer summer reading programs in which kids receive weekly incentives and can earn a T-shirt by keeping a log of books read. Call 586-3500 or your local library for more details. Here are some highlights:
» Children's storytime: For children of all ages and their caregivers at the Hawaii State Library in the Edna Allyn Room for Children, 10:30 a.m. Saturdays. Other events take place 10 a.m. Saturdays through Aug. 27 at the Kapolei Public Library; 10:30 a.m. the first Saturday of each month at McCully-Moiliili Public Library; 10 a.m. Wednesdays at the Pearl City Public Library; 10:30 a.m. Fridays at the Salt Lake-Moanalua Public Library; 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays at the Wahiawa Public Library; and 10 a.m. Thursdays at Waianae Public Library.
» Pajama Mondays: Listen to a story and make a simple craft, 6:30 to 7 p.m. Mondays through July 25 (except July 4) at the Kalihi-Palama Public Library. For all ages.
On the silver screen
» Free family films: Signature Dole Cannery and Regal Entertainment Group are offering a full schedule of films for summer. At 10 a.m. Tuesday and Wednesday, children can view "Andre the Seal" or "Jimmy Neutron." The same two movies will be shown on both days, giving people a chance to see both. Also scheduled: "Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events" and "Race for Your Life Charlie Brown" (June 28-29); "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie" and "Black Beauty" (July 5-6); "Mousehunt" and "Rugrats in Paris" (July 12-13); "The Wild Thornberrys" and "Spirit: Stallion of Cimarron" (July 19-20); "Milo & Otis" and "Lassie" (July 26-27); "Harriet the Spy" and "The Rugrats Movie" (Aug. 2-3); "Bon Voyage Charlie Brown" and "Indian in the Cupboard" (Aug. 9-10); and "Charlotte's Web" and "Rugrats Go Wild" (Aug. 16-17). The movies are subject to change. For information, call 528-3653.
» "Young Adult" movie nights: "A Walk to Remember" screens at 6 p.m. June 28 at Wahiawa Public Library; and "Star Wars Episode I" is the July 12 feature. Call 622-6345.
Tour the fire station
» Get a few families together to tour your neighborhood fire station. A minimum of five children is required. Call HFD community relations at 831-7747 for more information.
Low-cost activities
--under $10
Taste of Winter
» Cool off at the Ice Palace. This is about as close to frosty weather we can get in the islands. The cost to don skates and chill out is $7.50 per skater. Call 487-9921.
Mini Golf
» Jungle River: Cost for ages 3 to 10 is $6; 10 and older, $6.50. Your second round of golf is half price and third is free. Call 488-8808.
» Bayview: Cost is $8; children ages 5 to 7, $4; and 2 to 4 years old, $2. Call 247-0451.
» Glow Putt: Golf in the dark on the top floor of Ala Moana Center. Cost is $7; $5 for ages 5 and under. Call 955-7603.
Walk on the wild side
» Spend a day among animals -- and I'm not talking about your family -- at the Honolulu Zoo. Bring a picnic lunch to eat on the zoo grounds or across Kalakaua Avenue for a swim before your meal. Zoo admission is $4 for ages 13 to adult. The cost for children ages 6 to 12 is $1. An annual family pass is $25, allowing unlimited admission for a year. Call 971-7171.
Get lost
» Explore a garden maze at Dole Pineapple Plantation, wandering through hedges comprising 11,400 colorful Hawaii plants, including varieties of hibiscus. The garden center is shaped like a pineapple. Cost is $5; $3 children ages 6 to 11. Call 621-8408.
All aboard
» While you're at the Dole Pineapple Plantation, hop aboard the Pineapple Express for a two-mile, 20-minute fully narrated train tour enlightening passengers about the history of pineapple and agriculture in Hawaii. Cost is $7.50 adults; $5.50 children ages 4 to 12. Call 621-8408.
» Listen to tales about the sugar cane trains and enjoy the scenery on the Leeward side of the island via Hawaiian Railway's Ewa train. The 90-minute tour departs at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. on Sundays. Cost is $10; children ages 2 to 12 and seniors, $7. Call 681-5461.