China trek runs gamut
Beijing » Day 4: Last night, we "walked the red carpet" at the eighth annual Shanghai International Film Festival. The paparazzi and screaming fans rivaled the Academy Awards, and our delegation from Hawaii was greeted with much enthusiasm. Attending the festival was Honolulu International Film Festival executive director Chuck Boller, legislators, state officials, Hawaii business leaders and representatives from Hawaii's arts and culture community. The design and layout of the Shanghai Grand Theater reminded me of the Maui Arts & Cultural Center, in that all the seats were positioned close to the stage and screen. It gave everyone a good vantage to see the feature film "Lu Xun." |
I was impressed by the fact that the Great Wall spans more than 4,100 miles from east to west China. It's hard to fathom how such a monumental creation could have been achieved on such rugged terrain, without modern technology. I felt a sense of tremendous admiration and respect for the history of this country, and realized the comparative infancy of our own nation and state.
The climb up the Wall was exhilarating! Due to the steep incline to the top and the different size and unbalanced steps, I know many of our delegation would feel the pain in their leg muscles the next morning. But it is well worth the minor discomfort. Everyone should have the opportunity to experience the Great Wall once in his or her life. I know all of us who made the climb to the top will never forget their walk up, back down as well as the spectacular views.
Tonight we will meet with He Guangwei, outgoing chairman of the China National Tourism Administration (CNTA). Last year when Lt. Gov. Duke Aiona participated in the 2004 China Mission, Chairman He granted approval for Hawaii to open an official business and tourism office in Beijing. We will be only the second state to have such an office. We will officially open the office with a major event tomorrow night at the Great Hall of the People. I also will meet with incoming CNTA chairman Shao Quiwei and other China tourism officials.
This evening, I will also greet UH alumni and expatriates living in Beijing.
Tomorrow will be a dawn-to-dusk day of meetings, including the mayor of Beijing, the signing of Memorandum of Understandings at Zhongguachun Tech Park and with the government of Tibet to develop a resort.