

Sacred Heart Catholic church is celebrating the rededication of its sanctuary today, following a year-long renovation. The Rev. Marc Alexander, center, is with Maryknoll students Micah McGivern, left, Sean Harrison, James Morris, Arianne Yago, Sage Tong and Lindsey Carlos.

Sacred Heart completes
$3M renovation

Sacred Heart Catholic church is celebrating the completion of a $3 million renovation of its historic sanctuary in the Punahou area.

A special Mass of Rededication will be held at 5:30 p.m. today, presided over by Bishop Quinn Weitzel of Pago Pago, the Very Rev. Tom Gross, diocesan administrator, and the Rev. Marc Alexander, pastor of Sacred Heart church.

Renovations were made from the steeple to the basement, incorporating historic preservation as well as implementing modern technology to make it easier for disabled or elderly parishioners to participate in services, according to Tom Papandrew, administrator of the Manoa-Punahou Catholic Community.

The church was built in 1913 on Wilder Avenue and is on the state and national registers of historic places. Construction started last August. Maryknoll School is also part of the property.

Two high-powered projectors have been installed to display lyrics on the front wall of the sanctuary, making it easier for everyone to read the words and look up while singing, Papandrew said.

Aids were installed for the hearing-impaired that can be used anywhere in the church. Dozens of historic koa pews were refinished to match the original wood finish.

Ramps to accommodate parishioners in wheelchairs were built according to guidelines in the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Air conditioning, a new roof, new mechanical and electrical systems to replace 100-year-old systems, and new steel underpinnings for the whole structure were part of the project, he said.

Extensive landscaping, a three-tier fountain in the courtyard and a smaller fountain in the inner courtyard completed the outside improvements, Papandrew said.

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