Not everyone has to walk at "PetWalk." These three pampered Yorkies got to ride at PetWalk 2004.
‘PetWalk’ serves as
4-legged field day
By Hawaiian Humane Society
Oahu pet lovers know that the once-a-year gathering of furry and feathered friends at Magic Island, taking place this year June 12, is the Hawaiian Humane Society's "PetWalk 2005."
Pet owners can put on their walking shoes, pack up the family pet and head for the park. It's not just dogs that turn out for this pet spectacle, but animals of all colors and species, including birds, cats, rodents and even turtles.
Games include the Agile K-9 Course, Musical Hula Hoops and more, and pets with a love for theatrics can compete in a costume contest emceed by KSSK's Sweetie Pacarro, and listen to international recording artist Scott Katsura sharing music from his CD "Aloha from Miles Away." Pets with special talents might even be able to perform onstage. Owners can call 356-2212 to find out more.
The 15th anniversary "PetWalk" is open to everyone with a desire to step out for a cause. More than 3,000 humans are expected to join media sponsors KSSK and KITV for this anniversary celebration which raises funds for the humane society's programs and services.
In addition to covering the event, KITV General Manager Mike Rosenberg said, "We're putting together a team of walkers. It's a fun way for us share a common interest and to give back to the community."
Castle & Cooke Homes Hawaii and HMSA are sponsoring the event with a $5,000 donation in support of their employees' fund-raising efforts.
A "majority of Oahu homes have pets, and we'd love to see a pet in every home," said Castle & Cooke Homes marketing director Donna Tomita.
Jodie Dudoit is leading the company's donation collection effort and has raised $1,000 for the humane society.
"PetWalk is also a great time to kick off your fitness program," says Stacy Evensen, of HMSA. "Having a walking companion is key to a successful exercise program. Plus, you can improve the quality of life for you and your pet through increased exercise and strengthen your bond with your pet."
The 2-mile course runs through Magic Island and Ala Moana Park. Supporters drop off their pledges at 7 a.m., and the walk starts at 8 a.m. "PetWalk 2005" will also feature a small course for short-legged pets, and refreshments for humans and animals.
Donations collected at the event will help to protect animals from abuse, place homeless animals with families, teach children about kindness and compassion for animals, and support other humane society programs.
Animal lovers who want to learn more about the event can call 356-2225 or visit Log on to donate or help raise funds at
"Pet Ohana" runs the first and third Fridays of the month. The Hawaiian Humane Society, 2700 Waialae Ave., is a nonprofit agency dedicated to preventing cruelty to animals. Call 946-2187.