Wacky Waikiki news
is found in Sunset
The hottest, which is to say, coolest drinks in Waikiki now are the Hanohano Blue H20, the Wrong Island Iced Tea, Greg Brady's Wipeout and the Ginger & Lychee Caipirissima, I learned in Sunset magazine's June edition. Why I have to find out about this stuff in a West Coast magazine I don't know.
The magazine highlighted the Sheraton Waikiki Cobalt Lounge ("James Bond meets Brad Pitt"), Lewers Lounge ("Frank Sinatra hanging with Don Ho"), Hula Grill ("Like Emeril on his night off") and Tiki's Grill & Bar ("Bing Crosby meets Britney Spears.") Frank Sinatra and Bing Crosby? What are these dead guys doing hanging out in Waikiki. And why wasn't I told about it?
But the pricey drinks (the cheapest is $7.50) are the stars. Most peculiar is the Ginger & Lychee Caipirissima, which you need a Thesaurus and travel guide to figure out. A Caipirissima is "kissing cousin" to the Brazilian caipirinha, a rum drink that uses cachaca, a sugar cane liquor. Got it? Doesn't it just scream HAWAII?! I am planning a reconnaissance mission and will report back soon. And now the news:
Big cat cows cow
LONDON (BBC) » A big cat is being blamed for an attack on a cow at a farm near Plymouth. The cow's owners have no other explanation for the animal's injuries. Nevertheless, farm staff are not alarmed.
"It's quite exciting something like this has happened," the farm manager said.
(Yes, what fun! Nothing like having a 100-pound wild angry feline roaming the property and attacking your livestock! The cows are ecstatic!)
Swimming in beer
TYROL, Austria (Ananova) » Austria's Starkenber Beer Myth Resort has filled seven 13-foot long pools with 42,000 pints of beer. Guests are said to enjoy drinking their favorite brew while swimming.
(And for lunch they wallow in a big trough of fried sausages, followed by a dinner of diving into a vat of sauerkraut.)
Hairy legal issue
LEBANON, Ohio (AP) » Apollo moon mission astronaut Neil Armstrong has threatened to sue a barbershop owner who collected Armstrong's hair and sold it for $3,000.
Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, went to Marx's Barber Shop once a month until he learned that Marx Sizemore had been collecting his hair clippings and selling them to John Reznikoff, listed by Guinness World Records as having the largest collection of hair from historical celebrities. Armstrong has demanded the return of the hair or that Marx contribute the money he made to charity.
(Ah, celebrity. Hair today, gone tomorrow.)
Sunday in Honolulu Lite
Scientists say they have discovered the part of the brain that comprehends sarcasm. Yeah. Right.
Quote Me On This:
"When humor goes, there goes civilization." -- Erma Bombeck
"Humor is reason gone mad." -- Groucho Marx

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Columnists section for some past articles.
Charles Memminger, winner of National Society of Newspaper Columnists awards, appears Tuesdays, Thursdays , Fridays and Sundays. E-mail