
On the Scene
John Berger

"Aloha, Terry!"


CALL HIM "GODSMACKED!": Terence Knapp, second from left, said he was "godsmacked" (surprised and touched) by the elaborate retirement party and Hawaiian buffet dinner thrown in his honor by the Friends of Kennedy Theatre at the Honolulu Country Club on May 22. Knapp had tremendous impact on local theater as a teacher, actor and director. Many former students -- from his 35 years at the UH-Manoa -- attended the party. So did Jim Hutchison, left, who brought down the house with a story about working with Knapp in a show in which they dressed completely in female attire and competed to see who had the sexiest legs. Cecilia Fordham and Rick Romer co-chaired the party.


IT'S LINDA!: Linda Ryan, who returned from Oregon for the party, caught up with pianist Donald Yap. Yap provided the musical accompaniment for what R. Kevin Doyle described as "some great moments in retirement-party history." Among the highlights of the musical entertainment were a Gilbert & Sullivan parody hailing Knapp for being "The Very Model of a Modern Major Thespian," and Ryan's rendition of "Mad About the Boy."


$600? NOT!: Glenn Cannon, right, talking with Dennis Carroll, rejected a "tempting" offer of $600 and a first-class ticket to be "bumped" from the flight that got him to Honolulu in time for the party.


ACTORS, THE NEXT GENERATION: Jennifer Robideau, left, Alvin Chan, Troy Apostol and Noelle Poole entertained themselves while waiting to go to the buffet line. Knapp directed Chan, Apostol and Poole in "Twelf Nite o' WATEVA," his final show at the UH, last month. Chan joined R. Kevin Doyle in a comic sketch honoring Knapp.


MEET YOUR CO-EMCEE: David C. Farmer, right, and his wife, Loren Farmer, congratulated Knapp during the cocktail hour. David Farmer did a fine job as co-emcee of the formal program that celebrated Knapp's colorful life and many contributions to theater.

See the Columnists section for some past articles.

John Berger has covered the local entertainment scene since 1972. Contact him at jberger@starbulletin.com.

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