Underdogs have
the world to win
For the past few months, I have found myself looking forward to each and every episode of "The Contender," the reality TV show that wrapped up its last show on NBC this past week. As a business coach watching each of the contenders, I was getting an insider's look into what qualities and actions lead to winning a championship.
When think innovatively, we can apply the underdog mentality and strategies of these top performers, using a step-by-step system for success in our own small businesses.
The final show was all about underdog Alfonso Gomez boxing opponents, who were two levels above him. Gomez had reached the final four. Millions tuned in their TVs to root for this underdog, as did the huge live audience at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas. Gomez won his last fight and the $200,000 bronze prize purse. He even earned the privilege of sitting alongside boxing champion Sugar Ray Leonard and actor Sylvester Stallone, the producer of this popular television series.
Here are a few things our underdog did in the first episode that ultimately brought him to the final four and allowed him to win against an undefeated boxing champion ranked No. 3 in the world.
>> Gomez trained hard in order to get the opportunity to be on the show.
>> He applied a bold strategy of picking the best fighter on the opposing team for his first fight. This demonstrated his courage and leadership attributes, and set the tone for the entire group of boxers from that day forward.
>> Gomez was realistic. He knew it was going to be a tough fight, but he continually took a positive view with his affirmations proclaiming to everyone who listened, "I'm ready for this! I'm GOING to win! I'm gonna beat him. I know it."
>> Gomez prepared himself for the next day's fight by going into the ring, the place where it was all going to happen. He visualized the entire fight. Jabbing, punching, blocking, ducking and ultimately winning the fight with hands lifted up and gratitude in his eyes.
>> On the day of the fight, you could see that he had the full support, love, confidence and prayers of his entire family and his team. This is one of those intangible things that give us the energy to perform at an optimal level.
Ultimately, he wanted to win badly enough to give everything he had. After all, as the underdog, he had nothing to lose, yet the world to gain.
Visit Biz-OwnersBlog.com for a more in depth look at the re-cap of this series, and the success strategy that you can model when reaching for big goals in your business.

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John-Paul Micek is the lead business coach at RPM Success Group Inc. Reach him at
JPM@RPMsuccess.com or toll-free at (888) 334-8151.
Deborah Cole Micek, chief executive officer of RPM Success Group, is a business success coach and life strategist. Reach her at
deb@RPMsuccess.com or toll-free at (888) 334-8151.