![]() Eliminate stale water to avoid virus' spreadThe state Department of Health is asking residents to eliminate standing water -- where mosquitoes can breed -- in hopes of preventing the spread of the West Nile virus to Hawaii."Even if West Nile virus comes to Hawaii, our hope is that without mosquitoes to transmit the disease, it will not become established," said Greg Olmsted, of the Health Department's Vector Control Branch. To eliminate standing water:
» Tip over pots, wheelbarrows and other containers outside the home.
West Nile virus is a sometimes fatal disease spread by mosquitoes.» Hose bromeliads and other plants that collect water weekly, or spray them with dish soap or commercial larvicide. » Fix leaky outdoor faucets that create puddles. » Get rid of rubbish, such as old tires. There have been no reported cases of West Nile virus in the islands. On the mainland there have been 17,000 confirmed cases of the disease since 1999 and more than 650 fatalities. For more information: www.hawaii.gov/health.
Top chefs unite to help fight hungerTop Hawaii chefs will come together tonight to fight hunger with fine dining.The event will start at 5:30 p.m. at the Restaurant Row lawn fronting Hiroshi's Eurasian Tapas and feature dishes from chefs at nearly a dozen restaurants, including Roy's Restaurant, Ruth's Chris Steak House and Alan Wong's Restaurant. All proceeds of the benefit, which will also include live music, will go to the Hawaii Foodbank. Tickets are $65 and available through Ticketmaster at 877-750-4400 or the Hawaii Foodbank at 836-3600, ext. 226.
Marine welcome-home luncheon is postponedA Memorial Day luncheon to welcome back Marines from Iraq has been rescheduled for August.The luncheon was being organized by McKinley High School teacher Leimomi Stender-Jenkins at the Hale Koa Hotel. She had asked the public for donations to cover the cost of the buffet, door prizes and centerpieces. Stender-Jenkins said unforeseen circumstances led to the cancellation. She is returning all checks sent to McKinley until the luncheon is rescheduled.
![]() ![]() By Star-Bulletin staff ![]() NEIGHBOR ISLANDSNude sunbather is shot by BB gunBig Island police are investigating the case of a 44-year-old man shot by a BB gun while sunbathing nude at a Puna beach.Someone apparently standing on the cliff above Kehena Beach shot a BB gun or air rifle at the sunbather at about 1:30 p.m. May 7. The man received minor injuries after the BB pellet penetrated his skin. Police are warning residents and visitors to be on guard while in the vicinity of Kehena Beach. Police have received earlier reports of persons being shot with a BB gun in the area. Anyone with information about the shooting is asked to call Officer Scott Amaral of the Puna Patrol at 966-5835 or the police non-emergency number at 935-3311.
HONOLULULandlord finds fetus while gardeningA human fetus was found yesterday afternoon in the yard of a Kalihi home.Police said a landlord discovered the fetus while gardening at about 1:23 p.m. in Kalihi. Police had classified the case yesterday as an unattended death.
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