It’s all just name
calling, isn’t it?
Just asking, but has Mr. Spock weighed in on the mascot issue? Have there been any intergalactic protests from the planet Vulcan, asking that Hawaii-Hilo change its nickname?
"Vulcans" was missing from the list of team nicknames red-flagged (oops, can I say that?) by the NCAA, calling them racist, offensive, degrading and discriminatory.
While Hawaii-Hilo has escaped the scrutiny, 30 other schools have been asked to assess their use of names and logos, including Hawaii-Manoa, which is one of six using "Warriors." (Seven, if the NCAA had included Hawaii Pacific's Sea Warriors ... but didn't. Talk about aquatic discrimination).
The odd thing is that Hawaii's use of "Warriors" has nothing to do with the Native Americans/American Indians issue. (Just trying to be politically correct here). Just as Hawaii-Hilo's proximity to volcanoes resulted in its nickname and not from a love of Roman mythology or Star Trek.
What should be considered "perpetuation of historically inaccurate stereotypes" -- the NCAA's own words -- is the organization's own stance on "Warriors." Why is the term being exclusively equated with Native Americans/American Indians?
"Fighting Irish" is fine but not "Fighting Sioux" or "Fighting Illini." At least there's no longer a problem with Elon's "Fighting Christians." The teams at the North Carolina school are now called "Phoenix ... the Fire of the Carolinas." (Let's go, Arsonists!)
Missing from the NCAA's banned nickname list are the conflict-inspired "Battling Bishops" and "Crusaders."
Also absent are "Spartans" and "Trojans." Apparently, if the warriors are dead, it's OK. Either that, or the Anti-Ancient Hellenic Defamation League hasn't yet filed a lawsuit.
Neither has P.E.T.A. The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals have been strangely silent on this.
Lions and Tigers and Bears. Oh, my.
Lobos (New Mexico) and Retrievers (Maryland-Baltimore County) and Beavers (Oregon State). Bye-bye?
And wait until the Outdoor Circle gets involved. Be careful, Chaminade, the Silversword, after all, is threatened by extinction. The Menlo Oaks could be next.
Seriously, there are so many more pressing issues with which the NCAA should be concerned, some including other forms of discrimination.
The inequities created by Title IX that are harming men's athletics need to be addressed. As does the BCS system that has led to a widening financial gap between BCS and non-BCS schools.
This is not meant to make light of the nickname situation. If the various groups are indeed insulted then by all means change. But many have given permission for the continued use of their tribal reference, particularly at Florida State (Seminoles) and Utah (Utes).
This is one of those times when Scotty should just beam up the No Clue At All people. They've always seemed like they were from another planet anyway.

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