The Bloomberg / Star-Bulletin Index is a price-weighted index designed to measure the performance of Hawaii-based companies. The index was developed with a base value of 100 as of December 31, 1999. A chart of the index which shows the weekly performance of its members is published weekly in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin.

A&B soars 10.7%
Alexander & Baldwin Inc. continued its recent surge as it rose 10.7 percent this week to lead nine other stocks in the Bloomberg Honolulu Star-Bulletin index. The parent of Matson Navigation Co. has risen 19.4 percent in the last five weeks to $44.95.
Penny stock Mera Pharmaceuticals Inc., a maker of nutritional supplements, gained 11.1 percent to 3 cents.
Barnwell Industries Inc., the best local performer for most of this year, slipped again, falling 6.8 percent to $61.75. It is still up 66.6 percent for 2005 but off 13.6 percent from its record high of $71.50 two weeks ago.