Isle Pages
New releases by
Hawaii authors

"Mapping the Lands and Waters of Hawai'i"
By Riley M. Moffatt and Gary L. Fitzpatrick
Editions Limited, $65
This is one of those lovely books that is easy to get lost in, the irony of which is that it's all about location. The third in EL's historical mapping series of the islands, this volume covers the early work of the Hawai'i Government Survey, which sought to place order on the islands after the Great Mahele cut them up. It's well-illustrated with period maps and photographs, and the adventuresome details of mapping expeditions bring it all into focus.
Co-author Gary L. Fitzpatrick is giving a presentation on the subject at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at the Mission Memorial Auditorium, 550 South King Street, under the aegis of the Hawaiian Historical Society. He's in town trying to repair damage from the Great Library Flood of 2004.

"Hanauma Bay -- Hawai'i's Coastal Treasure"
By Cheryl Chee Tsutsumi
Island Heritage, $9.99
The opening of a visitor center certainly seems to spark new publications. This one is a handy spiral-bound guide to almost everything you need to know about the bay, particularly the science stuff.

By Ellie Crowe, illustrated by Yuko Green
Island Heritage, $8.99
One of those diecut touch-n-see Hawai'i deals with textures on the pages. Totally adorable.