The Bloomberg / Star-Bulletin Index is a price-weighted index designed to measure the performance of Hawaii-based companies. The index was developed with a base value of 100 as of December 31, 1999. A chart of the index which shows the weekly performance of its members is published weekly in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin.
Mera stock soars
Mera Pharmaceuticals Inc. exploded 92.3 percent this week and more than 108 percent over the past two days after announcing it received an initial order from an international broker. The Kona-based nutraceutical company, which led all local performers this week in the Bloomberg Honolulu Star-Bulletin index, said the international channel provided by the broker has the potential to generate significant revenue for the company. Mera closed yesterday at 2.5 cents to match its highest close since Sept. 20.
Barnwell Industries Inc. was the second-best performer as it rose 7.4 percent to an all-time high of $70.60.