Piranha Room Party

CIRCUS IN THE ROUND: Tanoue brought in the Earth Circus dancers and acrobats for the finale of the current series of monthly theme parties. A new series begins May 28. An Earth Circus acrobat did handstands on a drink rail while other members of the troupe performed elsewhere in the darkened club. It was almost like a three-ring circus -- but without the rings.

APRIL'S NIGHT OUT: Juliet Lighter, left, and Russell Tanoue welcomed April Teves-Aiwohi to Tanoue's monthly Piranha Room charity fund-raiser, which filled the Ocean Club to capacity on Saturday. Teves-Aiwohi said that she's been pretty much of a homebody since she got married and had a baby, but she and her husband enjoy an occasional night apart. She plans to resume her recording career later this year.

THE BRADBURY GIRLS KNOW HOW TO PARTY!: Monica Bradbury, left, and her sister, Veronica Bradbury, took a break after dancing with several other women in the reserved area. If the name sounds familiar, yes, their father is old-time Krush vocalist Hal Bradbury.

OLD FRIENDS: Kona Carmack, left, and Alvin Chung shared a table at the Ocean Club with UPW business agent Kelley Jackson and Amanda Sellers. Carmack had been in Los Angeles working as an assistant producer on "Deadwood" for HBO. She joined her old friend Chung for a night out after visiting family on the Big Island.
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