Maui takes
the spotlight
Say aloha to the "The Simple Life." Fox is bringing the reality show to Maui next month with Paris Hilton and new sidekick Kimberly Stewart, Rod's daughter. Hilton says they'll be doing everything from hula to surfing to working at hotels. The series airs this summer ...
Sources say that frequent Maui visitors and actors Mike Meyers and Helen Hunt are possible guests at June's Maui Film Festival. Hollywood Reporter publisher Bob Dowling will attend, and the May 17 issue will feature Hawaii ...
The Hawaii International Film Festival hopes to land the likes of director Quentin Tarantino and producer/director Steven Spielberg for the October fest. Critic Roger Ebert will attend. A HIFF delegation will attend the Shanghai International Film Festival June 9 to 20 ...
There was an almost famous actor on board "Lost's" Oceanic Flight 815 when it crashed last fall. Michelle Rodriguez ("Blue Crush," "Girlfight") will be introduced in the drama's flashback-heavy finale as a passenger who befriends Matthew Fox's Jack prior to takeoff. Rodriguez joins "Lost" next season as a regular.
Writer Steven Maeda joins the drama's staff as a co-executive producer for season two. He had been a supervising producer on CBS' "CSI: Miami" ...
The Discovery Channel's "29 Down" series filmed on Oahu is slated for fall broadcast ...
Emme Tomimbang's special on KHON tomorrow includes actor/singers Tani Lynn ("29 Down") and Tia Carrere, who appears during an interview with Lynn, a junior at Sacred Hearts Academy, from which Carrere is an alumna. The show will be rebroadcast Sunday ...
New York-based Link Entertainment Inc. is on Kauai through April 29 to shoot print and TV ads. The $290,000 shoot is being done mostly at Princeville's Queen's Bath and the dry cave in Haena ...
Kaitlin Kiyan, 14, of Waipahu, took top honors on PAX TV's "America's Most Talented Kids." Her winning performance singing Natalie Cole's "Paper Moon" can be seen Friday. ...
Jimmy Buffett's planned restaurant at the International Market Place site is being called, for now, Jimmy Buffett's One Particular Harbour Cafe. Opening is slated for 2007. The chief Parrothead is also considering a home here ...

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