


Movies opening this weekend:

» "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy": An average British guy hitches a ride on a passing spaceship after the Earth is destroyed (to make way for a hyperspace bypass) in the movie adaptation of Douglas Adams's popular comedic sci-fi books. Martin Freeman, better known from his role in the hit English series "The Office," stars, along with Mos Def, Sam Rockwell, Zooey Deschanel and Bill Nighy. (PG)

» "XXX: State of the Union": Rapper-actor-producer Ice Cube steps in for Vin Diesel as the titular rebel-hero in the sequel to the action flick hit. But whereas Diesel's agent aced the giant slalom and saved the world from Eurotrash villains, Cube's incarnation is a streetwise Special Forces officer sprung from military prison to help foil a planned government coup by a splinter group in the nation's capital. Samuel L. Jackson and Willem Dafoe co-star, and Lee Tamahori of "Once Were Warriors" and the James Bond "Die Another Day" directs. (PG-13)

Top iTunes

The most downloaded songs of the week, as listed by apple.com/itunes:

1. "Speed of Sound" / Coldplay
2. "Hollaback Girl" / Gwen Stefani
3. "Don't Phunk With My Heart" / Black Eyed Peas
4. "Mr. Brightside" / The Killers
5. "Holiday (Faded Ending)" / Green Day
6. "Switch" / Will Smith
7. "Blue Orchid" / The White Stripes
8. "Lonely No More" / Rob Thomas
9. "Lonely" / Akon
10. "Under Pressure" / The Used & My Chemical Romance

Do It Electric
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