Silver surfersAge is only a number for
The petite and energetic McGuire, lugging around a board that seems nearly double her size, has surfed since she was a teenager and says it gives her "spiritual freedom."
"It's a new canvas every day," she said. "Every ride is different."
Still, there are challenges for older surfers. James Panas, 55, notes that hips and knees can get weaker, which prevents surfers from popping up on their boards as fast and limits maneuverability.
"Some guys stop surfing because they realize they don't have what they used to," he said. "But I figure whatever you got, just go out and do it. Even if you can't rip like you used to, at least you're enjoying yourself."
Susie McGuire, 57.
"Older people who surf generally started when they were younger," he said. "All those years, those who got injured significantly fall by the wayside. These old guys have survived and they know what they're doing.
"The surfing and being active in general is preventing them from injuries," Portner said.
Panas surfs about five days a week before his night shift at a local health food store.
"It's so magical to me. Even if I don't catch a wave, it's still a great day," he said. "The spirit of the ocean, there's something about it."
Super-fit Nathan Kapule, a Honolulu firefighter, is less than two years away from turning 50 but looks young enough to get carded at bars. The father of an 8-year-old daughter and 6-year-old triplets has been an avid surfer since childhood.
He describes the sensation of being in the water as "soothing and refreshing." But for his brother-in-law, Bill Clements of Seattle, surfing is a totally different experience.
Bill Clements and his brother-in-law Nathan Kapule all finish a day of surfing off Waikiki Beach.
Surfing works out different muscles than running, he says, such as the shoulders and back.
The sport also seems to be a necessity for these graying sea warriors.
"Most people that I know that are older, can't quit," said Steve Funk, a 53-year-old pediatric nurse. "If I don't surf for a week or two, I get grouchy. I start whining. There's something missing."
For youngsters, watching the older surfers can be inspiring. Fifteen-year-old Keoni Moore always allows his elders to have first dibs on the prime waves. Even though they don't do "any radical moves," there's lots of respect, he said.
"I see them and say, 'Whoa, that's super-cool.' I hope I'm like that when I'm older."