Victor Gamatero Agapay
March 22, 2005
Victor Gamatero Agapay, 97, of Honolulu, a retired Leahi Hospital employee, died in St. Francis Medical Center. He was born in Badoc, Ilocos Norte, the Philippines. He is survived by wife Clarita; sons Jefferson, John and Jason; daughter Julie; and two grandchildren. Services: 7 p.m. Friday and 9:30 a.m. Saturday at Diamond Head Mortuary. Call after 5 p.m. Friday and 8:30 a.m. Saturday. Burial: 11 a.m. at Valley of the Temples. Casual attire.
Daniel Almodova
April 3, 2005
Daniel Almodova, 76, of Ewa died. He was born in Eleele, Kauai. He is survived by daughter Charlene Johns; brothers Louis Jr., Henry, August, Ben and David; sisters Lydia Troche, Sophie Ke-a, Isabel Carvalho and Marge DuPont; and two grandchildren. Mass: 10 a.m. today at Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa. Call after 9 a.m. Burial: noon at Hawaiian Memorial Park. Aloha attire. No flowers.
Michael Edward Higgs
April 12, 2005
Michael Edward Higgs, 52, of Honolulu, a U.S. Navy submarine sonar technician, died at home. He was born in Bay City, Mich. He is survived by wife Laura, son Timothy J., daughters Ashton E. and Sara K., father Milton E., mother Geraldine, brother Jay and sisters Holly Gatza and Heidi Wilson. Services: 11 a.m. Thursday at Submarine Memorial Chapel in Pearl Harbor. Call after 9 a.m. Burial: 1 p.m. at Hawaii State Veterans Cemetery, Kaneohe.
Hayato Ishii
April 15, 2005
Hayato "Jamal" Ishii, 73, of Paauilo, Hawaii, a retired employee for the former Hamakua Sugar Co., died in North Hawaii Community Hospital. He was born in Paauilo. He is survived by wife Alice A.; son Darrell A.; daughter Allison A. Rohfeld; brothers Likito, John and Charles; sisters Stella Kidani and Gladys Takeya; and one grandchild. Services: 4 p.m. Saturday at Dodo Mortuary. Call after 3 p.m. Casual attire. No flowers.
Sue Kidoguchi
March 31, 2005
Sue Kidoguchi, 66, of Honolulu died in St. Francis Medical Center. She was born in Kohala, Hawaii. She is survived by son Brian Kato; mother Shizue Kato; brothers Zensaku, Gilbert and Donald Kato; and sister Toshiko Fernandez. Private services.
Pearl A. Kong
April 13, 2005
Pearl A. Kong, 81, of Honolulu died in St. Francis Hospice. She was born in Honolulu. She is survived by sons Howard, Paul and Wallace; brother John Awana; sister Roen Sunn; and one grandchild. Mass: 10 a.m. Thursday at Sts. Peter and Paul Church. Call after 8:30 a.m. Burial: 10:45 a.m. at Nuuanu Memorial Park. Aloha attire.
Pil Ye Ku
April 14, 2005
Pil Ye Ku, 87, of Honolulu died at home. She was born in Korea. She is survived by son Paul Jin, daughters Kyong Ja and Oun Soon Jin, six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Mass: 11 a.m. Friday at St. Pius X Catholic Church in Manoa. Call after 10 a.m. Burial: 1 p.m. at Hawaiian Memorial Park.
Benjamin Macaraig Menor
April 1, 2005
Benjamin Macaraig Menor, 59, of Ewa Beach, a chef for the Queen's Medical Center, died in the Queen's Medical Center. He was born in Laoag City, the Philippines. He is survived by wife Lolita, daughters Virma and Leslie, father Ricardo, brothers Edison and Nelson, and sister Edna. Services: 7 p.m. Friday at St. Philomena Church. Call after 6 p.m. Mass: 10 a.m. Saturday at the church. Call after 9 a.m. Cremation to follow. Aloha attire.
Elika Mitaina
April 12, 2005
Elika "Big Man" Mitaina, 31, of Waipahu died in the Queen's Medical Center. He was born in Malaeloa, American Samoa. He is survived by father Letoa; mother Taifilele; brothers John, Siluano and Epati Jr.; and sisters Faatupu Tauave, Patricia Siamu, Salaalii Kanoho and Talaleu Mitaina. Services: 10 a.m. Friday at First Baptist Church of Waipahu. Call after 9 a.m. Cremation to follow.
Mitsuo Nagaoka
April 8, 2005
Mitsuo Nagaoka, also known as "Mits" and "Ronald," 72, of Honolulu, a retired U.S. government electronic technician at Pearl Harbor, died in Kuakini Medical Center. He was born in Lahaina. He is survived by wife Jean M.; daughters Rona Kasashima, Jodie Masuda and Loriann Nagaoka; brother Kazumi; sister Lily Takenaga; and six grandchildren. Services: 4 p.m. Saturday at Hosoi Garden Mortuary. Call after 3 p.m. Casual attire. No flowers.
Takito Okubo
March 29, 2005
Takito Okubo, 79, of Halaula, Kohala, Hawaii, a retired Mauna Lani Resort Golf Course mechanic and former Kohala Sugar Co. employee, died at home. He was born in Kohala, Hawaii. He is survived by wife Yukino K.; sons Roy, Myron and Scott; brothers William, Takeji and Richard; sisters Kikuno Kawakami, Lillian Nakamura and Tsueko Tanahara; five grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. Services: 2 p.m. Saturday at Kohala Hongwanji Mission. Call after 1 p.m. Casual attire. No flowers.
William Yuichi Ozaki
April 13, 2005
William Yuichi Ozaki, 66, of Honolulu, a retired R.T. Ozaki Roofing estimator, died in St. Francis Medical Center. He was born in Waimea, Kauai. He is survived by wife Grace Y., son Grant, stepson David W.C. Yu, daughters Tammy O. Yasuda and Sheryl-Lynn Marumoto, stepdaughter Chin-a Yu, brothers Ronald and Randolph, sister Mildred Sumiki and eight grandchildren. Services: 2 p.m. Saturday at Hosoi Garden Mortuary. Call after 1 p.m. Casual attire.
Foini F. Tanoa
April 13, 2005
Foini F. Tanoa, 53, of Honolulu, a licensed practical nurse, died in the Queen's Medical Center. She was born in Malaeloa, American Samoa. She is survived by husband Sautia; sons Jarrold, Sautia Jr., Justice and Joshua; daughters Numia, Janice and Janyrah; brothers Isaako, Fereti, Eteuati, Elia, Faagai Jr. and Peniamina Tolovaa; sisters Maninoa Elu, Malaeloa Aimaasu, Ruta Tolovaa and Siaea Feepo; and four grandchildren. Services: 11 a.m. tomorrow at Borthwick Mortuary. Call after 9 a.m. Burial to be held in American Samoa. Aloha attire. Additional information for an obituary printed Saturday.
Kosuke Tokita
April 2, 2005
Kosuke Tokita, 83, of Wahiawa, a retired ironworker, died in Kaiser Medical Center. He was born in Waialua. He is survived by wife Elaine T.; sons Raymond S. and James Y.; brothers Akio, George, Haruki and Sadamu; sisters Jessie Minagawa, Blanche Shigeyasu, Miye Yamamoto and Sadako Ishimura; and two grandchildren. Services: 6:30 p.m. Thursday at Mililani Mortuary-Waipio, mauka chapel. Call after 5:30 p.m. Casual attire.
John Michael Winger
April 3, 2005
John Michael Winger, 35, of Nanakuli, a fisherman, died in Honolulu. He was born in Honolulu. He is survived by father Francis M.K., mother Patricia Walters, brother Meinert K. Sheldon III and sisters Donnie R. Balanza and Chantel M. Winger. Services: 7 p.m. Thursday and noon Friday at Borthwick Mortuary. Call after 6 p.m. Thursday and 10 a.m. Friday. Burial: 2 p.m. at Valley of the Temples. Aloha attire.
Dorothy Lum Wong
April 9, 2005
Dorothy Lum Wong, 91, of Honolulu died in Straub Clinic & Hospital. She was born in Kahului, Maui. She is survived by son Darrell K.C., sister Clara Young and one grandchild. Graveside services: 10:30 a.m. Saturday at Diamond Head Memorial Park. Aloha attire.
Toru Yamane
April 7, 2005
Toru Yamane, 74, of Kailua, a retired machinist, died in the Queen's Medical Center. He was born in Papaaloa, Hawaii. He is survived by brothers Eugene M., Edward M., Herbert M. and Hisashi H.; and sisters Margaret S. Morimoto and Lillian F. Tamabayashi. Private services. No flowers. No monetary offerings. Additional information provided for an obituary published Saturday.
Tin Wun Yee
April 10, 2005
Tin Wun Yee, 82, of Honolulu, a Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard Shop 38 foreman, nuclear engineer and U.S. Army veteran who served in World War II, died. He was born in Honolulu. He is survived by wife Mary Kim Fai C., sons Michael Chung Mun and Gareth Dart Chong, daughter Gloria Menor, three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Buddhist services: 9 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Saturday at Borthwick Mortuary, Vineyard Chapel. Burial: 12:45 p.m. at Diamond Head Memorial Park.
Wun Fong Char Yuen
April 4, 2005
Wun Fong Char Yuen, 77, of Honolulu, died in Straub Clinic & Hospital. She was born in Zhongshan, China. She is survived by sons William, Henry and Raymond; sister Wun Hung Tse Lee; and two grandchildren. Taoist services: 9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Saturday at Borthwick Mortuary. Burial: noon at Manoa Lin Yee Chung Cemetery.

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