On the Scene
John Berger

SEE 'EM IN THE MOVIES: Honolulu Symphony Pops conductor Matt Catingub talked backstage with Dianne Reeves after her performance with the symphony Saturday. Catingub cut his hair for a role in George Clooney's upcoming movie "Good Night and Good Luck." Reeves is in the movie, too.

DESSERT, OR NOT?: Guy Merola, left, DeShannon Higa, Steve Jones and Mark Wong met backstage as musicians and symphony supporters enjoyed dessert at the "Backstage Pass" party before Reeves' performance. Jones, who'd been booked to play two songs with the symphony in the first half of the program, was able to stay and enjoy dessert, and Reeves' performance as well, but Higa had to rush off to Gordon Biersch for a late-night gig with his wife, Rocky Brown. Higa had played several strong solos while the symphony was backing Noel Okimoto's excellent set as Reeves' opening act. Reeves and her trio thrilled jazz fans with her performance as the headliner. Catingub got a big round of applause when he came out sporting his new short haircut -- the first time in more than 15 years he's been without his trademark flowing mane. He cut it at George Clooney's request so he'd have a 1950s look for Clooney's film.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005
» The Honolulu Symphony concert "Iggy Plays Khachaturian," featuring concertmaster Ignace "Iggy" Jang, will take place May 13 and 15. An "On the Scene" item on Page D2 Monday said incorrectly that the concerts are this weekend.
The Honolulu Star-Bulletin strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a question or comment about news coverage, call Editor Frank Bridgewater at 529-4791 or email him at corrections@starbulletin.com. |
IGGY'S NEXT: Concertmaster Ignace "Iggy" Jang, left, talked with symphony president Steve Bloom at the "Backstage Pass" party. "Iggy Plays Khachaturian" is the theme of the symphony's concerts this weekend.

DON'T CHA?: Tori Alamaze, in white bustier, celebrated backstage with concert promoters Gene Cardwell, left, and Darryl Hill, O Lounge owner Liz Watanabe, front, and dancers Michelle Ramos and Nefertiti Robinson. Alamaze had rocked the club with her hit, "Don't Cha," on Friday, proving as hot in person as she sounds on her hit. Hill credited Ramos with making the supporting choreography a success.

A LONG NIGHT: Kaliko Ma'i'i of Ka Mau, left, greeted roots reggae master Maacho after Ka Mau opened for Dezaire at Pipeline Cafe on Thursday. It was a long night for reggae fans. Dezaire didn't go on until 1:15 a.m. Friday.
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