BATTLE OF THE SAXES: A spirited duet by David Choy, left, and Gabe Baltazar was the highlight of the evening as Abe Weinstein and the Hawaii International Jazz Festival presented "Swingtime In Hawaii Part II" at the Hyatt Regency Waikiki on April 1. Jimmy Borges thrilled the crowd with a tight four-song set, Keahi Conjugacion featured songs from her current album, "Jazz Hawaiian Style," Jeff Peterson did a stellar job sharing slack-key arrangements of several jazz standards, and Owana Salazar played steel guitar, before the all-star band closed the show with a seven-song set showcasing their solo talents. Borges and the Rich Crandall Trio evoked memories of Trappers afterward as they played downstairs where the club once stood.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ELAINE!: Elaine Codilla, third from left, celebrated her birthday with a party for several dozen close friends Saturday night. Eric Ichiyama, left, Krista Curtiswittmier and Lance Rae were among those who enjoyed dinner and drinks at the Paradise Showclub. The party continued at Ciao Mein and then at the Wave.

TALKING MUSIC: Agnes Kimura, left , met Brittni Paiva at the 8th Annual Hawaii Music Awards at the Hilton Hawaiian Village on Sunday. Paiva didn't receive an award but her performance was a hit. HMF founder Johnny Kai gave Kimura an ad hoc "Recognition Award" because there was no "International Hawaiian Album" category this year.

TWO WINNERS: Pierre Grill, left, congratulated Danny Kaleikini on receiving the Mayor's Performing Arts Award at the 8th Annual Hawaii Music Awards. The award is one of 15 that aren't awarded by public vote. Grill received a similar non-voted award as Engineer of the Year and was voted the winner in the "World Music" category.

AND DON'T FORGET THE CLASSICS!: Record producer Lester Gantan celebrated with Lisa Nakamichi, winner by public vote in the "Classical Album" category. Recordings of European-American classical music are rare in Hawaii. Nakamichi is looking forward to promoting hers when she performs in Vienna, Austria, in September.
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