Isle Pages
Releases from Hawaii authors

By Mark Haskell Smith
Atlantic Monthly Press, $23
Smith is a funny guy -- see his earlier work "Moist" -- and this ribald account of a food-catering war in Hawaii is -- like wine-drizzled opakapaka and hungry sex -- difficult to put down. Some of the pidgin spoken here is rather suspect, but it's all sly and humorous.

"Blood & Tequila"
By William E. Self
Pygmalion Press, $9.95
Hey, the author is a self-described "martial arts master" on Kauai, nyuk, nyuk, and so, no surprise, this painfully thin "novel" concerns a martial-arts master on Kauai. It's noirishly predictable, but has a certain goofy self-importance. May appeal to anyone with unused nunchuks in their closet.

"The Art of Meeting People in the 21st Century"
By Steve H. Cedillos
InstantPublisher, $12.95
Dating is difficult, and local author Cedillos has done his best here to repeat common-sense lessons for the faint of heart and hesitant. Let's see ... the No. 1 place to meet sombody is in a bookstore? While holding this book?