
Hawaii Best-sellers
Compiled by Jason Genegabus
This list of last month's best-selling local titles was compiled using figures from the Hawaii Book Publishers Association and Bookline distributors, and reflects sales by Hawaii-based publishers. Numbers in parentheses indicate a title's previous ranking.
1. "Keiki Friends Dress-Up Dolls,"
Yuko Green, Island Heritage (1)
2. "Limu - The Blue Turtle,"
Kimo Armitage, Island Heritage (4)
3. "Hawaiian Flowers Cut-Out Paper Dolls,"
Yuko Green, Island Heritage (3)
4. "Hawaiian Marine Life Color and Activity Book,"
Yuko Green, Island Heritage (2)
5. "Hide and Seek in Hawaii,"
Jane Hopkins and Ian Gillespie, Mutual Publishing
6. "Baby Honu's Incredible Journey,"
Tammy Yee, Island Heritage (7)
7. "Humu, The Little Fish Who Wished Away His Colors,"
Kimberly Jackson, Island Heritage (8)
8. "Golden Children of Hawaii Cut-Out Dolls,"
Yuko Green, Island Heritage (5)
9. "Goodnight Gecko,"
Gill McBarnet, Ruwanga Trading (9)
10. "Baby Honu Saves The Day,"
Tammy Yee, Island Heritage (7)
Gift and Travel
1. "Land of Fire and Ice,"
Cheryl Chee Tsutsumi, Island Heritage
2. "Hawaii: Big Island Revealed,"
Andrew Doughty and Harriet Freidman, Wizard Publications (3)
3. "Sam Choy's Little Hawaiian Cookbook,"
Sam Choy, Mutual
4. "Kauai: Images of the Garden Island,"
Douglas Peebles, Mutual
5. "A Little Book of Aloha,"
Renata Provenzano, Mutual (5)
6. "Chefs of Aloha,"
Various, Island Heritage
7. "Oahu As Seen From the Skies,"
Douglas Peebles, Mutual
8. "Don the Beachcomber's Little Hawaiian Tropical Drink Book,"
Phoebe Beach and Arnold Bitner, Mutual
9. "Ultimate Kauai Guidebook (5th Edition),"
Andrew Doughty and Harriet Friedman, Wizard (9)
10. "Sam Choy's Poke Cookbook,"
Sam Choy, Mutual
1. "He Mele Aloha: Hawaiian Songbook,"
Carol Wilcox, Kimo Hussey, Vicky Hollinger and Puakea Nogelmeier, 'Oli 'Oli Productions (1)
2. "Eddie Would Go,"
Stuart Coleman, Bess Press
3. "Let's Learn Little Hawaiian,"
Ray Helbig, Hawaiian Service (2)
4. "Hawaii Blossoms,"
Hargreaves and Hargreaves, Island Heritage (5)
5. "Tropical Trees of Hawaii,"
Paul Wood, Island Heritage (7)
6. "Managing With Aloha,"
Rosa Say, Island Heritage
7. "Hawaii This and That,"
LaRue W. Piercy, Mutual
8. "Hawaiian: A Language Map,"
Kristine K. Kershul and Lilinoe Andrews, Bess Press
9. "Hawaiian Journey,"
Joseph Mullins, Mutual (6)
10. "Plants of Hawaii,"
Fortunato Teho, Bess Press
1. "Da Jesus Book,"
Pidgin Bible Translation Group, Anoai Press (5)
2. "Pearl Harbor: The Way It Was,"
Scott Stone, Island Heritage (3)
3. "Mark Twain In Hawaii,"
A. Grove Day, Mutual (4)
4. "Hawaii's Story by Hawaii's Queen,"
Lydia Liliuokalani, Mutual (2)
5. "The Parker Ranch of Hawaii,"
Joseph Brennan, Mutual (10)
6. "Mark Twain's Letters from Hawaii,"
Mark Twain, University of Hawaii Press
7. "Tattoo,"
Chris McKinney, Mutual (6)
8. "Legends and Myths Of Hawaii,"
David Kalakaua, Mutual (8)
9. "Myths and Legends of Hawaii,"
W. D. Westervelt, Mutual (9)
10. "Betrayal of Liliuokalani,"
Helena Allen, Mutual
1. "The Guide to Hawaiian Style Money Folds,"
Jodi Fukumoto, Island Heritage (1)
2. "Things Hawaiian: Guide To Hawaiian Language,"
Albert Schutz, Island Heritage (4)
3. "How to Play the Hawaiian Ukulele,"
UH Lab School, Mutual (2)
4. "Hawaii's Birds,"
Hawaii Audobon Society, Island Heritage (6)
5. "Pocket Guide to Hawaii's Birds,"
H. Douglas Pratt and Douglas Peebles, Mutual (7)
6. "Making Eyelash Crochet Leis 2,"
Coryn Tanaka and May Masaki, Bess Press (5)
7. "Pocket Guide To Hawaii's Flowers,"
Leland Miyano and Douglas Peebles, Mutual
8. "Pocket Guide to Hawaii's Trees and Shrubs,"
H. Douglas Pratt and Douglas Peebles, Mutual
9. "The Guide to American Money Folds,"
Jodi Fukumoto, Island Heritage
10. "Best of the Best From Hawaii Cookbook,"
Edited by Gwen McKee and Barbara Moseley, Quail Ridge Press (10)