KOALOHA'S THE WORD: Daniel Ho, left, celebrated with Outrigger Waikiki Vice-President Kimberly Agas, standing, Ho's fiancee Lydia Miyashiro, and Iva Kinimaka at the Outrigger Waikiki on Wednesday. The party marked the release of Ho's new CD, "KoAloha," and the public debut of his new custom-made KoAloha D-VI 6-string ukulele. Kinimaka's local hit, "He Aloha Mele," is one of the songs Ho included on the album.

IT'S CHRISTINA WITH A "C": Star 101.9 promotions director Christina Yasuma, left, greeted KSSK midday star Kathy With A "K," at the preview screening of "The Ring 2" at Dole Cannery on Wednesday. Kathy described it later as "A good date movie....OK as long as you go in without high expecations of it outdoing the first one. The first one was better."

A BIG NIGHT FOR JORDAN: Marlene Baldueza was one of the first to congratulate Jordan Segundo during the CD release party for his first album, "Jordan," at the Hawaiian Hut on Friday. Baldueza also helped get the party started when she joined Nueva Vida for a sexyDonna Summer medley. She's come a long way as an entertainer since her days as a member of Forté.

BLACK AND WHITE: Saxophonist David Choy, left, talked with writer/producer élan before Nueva Vida took the stage at the Hawaiian Hut on Friday. Choy came over from Maui to sit in with Robert Shinoda's group. He was showcased as a soloist several times as Nueva Vida backed hot performances by guest vocalists Tracy Smith, Maila Gibson and Anita Hall.

"THANKS, MOM!": Jody Segundo, Jordan's mother, met Gerry Moore, left, and Kimo Kahoano during the party. Jordan closed his performance with a 30-minute set that featured most of the songs from his album. He also thanked his parents for their support and encouragement in entering local talent contests from his early years, through "American Idol" to now.
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