On the Scene
John Berger

Steel Pulse and
‘Miss Saigon’

THERE'S NOTHING LIKE THE REAL THING: David Hinds, left, lead vocalist, songwriter and spokesman of Steel Pulse, talked backstage with Dread Starr members Darren Simms, center, and Chris Evans after he and his Grammy Award-winning group rocked the Waikiki Shell with a perfect one-hour-45-minute concert on Wednesday. Someone made the band aware of the early curfew for Shell concerts and so they went on ahead of schedule to give the fans as much music as possible in the time available. The set featured songs from their brilliant "African Holocaust" album but also vintage favorites such as "Taxi Driver." Hinds was the focal point on vocals and rhythm guitar for most of the show, but keyboardist Selwin Brown stepped forward several times to sing and dance, and Alvin Ewin was a powerful presence on bass. It was a great night for anyone who appreciates authentic reggae. Dread Starr did a solid job as the opening act.

MUTUAL RESPECT!: Hawaii resident roots reggae master Maacho, left, greeted Steel Pulse vocalist David Hinds while he was signing autographs at the informal party backstage after the concert. Maacho, one of Hawaii's few authentic reggae artists, is presenting a roots reggae concert with his band, Cool Connection, at Don Ho's on Saturday.

FOUR BERGERS!: James Berger, left, and his wife, Helen, talked with Geri Berger, Mrs. Hawaii 2004, and her husband, Mitch, at the pre-opening reception for Army Community Theatre's production of "Miss Saigon" on Thursday. Mitch catered the party, James co-sponsored the show. Mitch and James aren't related to each other -- or to this columnist.

SHARI, LARRY AND SHERRY: Shari Lynn, left, caught up with Larry Paxton and Sherry Chock Wong at "Miss Saigon" during intermission. Sell-outs are rare at ACT but this was one of them. Glenn Cannon, Jordan Segundo, Michael Asebido, Jill Kuramoto and "Big Beer Dave" Randall were among the other notables who made it through the security checks and found parking.

TALKING WITH A VETERAN: ACT "Miss Saigon" cast members Fran Gendrano, left, Joey Caldarone and Shawna Masuda welcomed Amado Cacho, a veteran of six years with the second national tour, to the opening night cast party at Compadres after the show. ACT stars Caldarone and Masuda attended the party with their parents, and Masuda left relatively early. The die-hards partied until 2 a.m.
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