![]() Silver sparkleThe 'ahinahina plant will be featured at tomorrow's plant sale at Hoomaluhia Botanical Garden at the end of Luluku Street in Kaneohe. The event runs from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.It's also available at the Home Depot (about $12), but it usually sells quickly.
Description: Dense shrubs about 3 feet tall, spreading to 3 to 4 feet across. The first thing you'll notice is the striking, reflective, silvery-green foliage, an effect of tiny hairs that cover the leaves -- known scientifically as being "tomentose." Each leaf also comprises many fine branching segments, some only about 1 millimeter wide. The flowers are cream-colored and arranged in clusters, but aren't as eye-catching as the overall plant. The plant gives off a strong scent similar to that of sage. Distribution: There are three native species of Artemisia found in Hawaii: Artemisia australis, on cliff faces on all islands; Artemisia kauaiensis, found only on Kauai; and this plant, Artemesia mauiensis, found only on Maui, on the slope and in the crater of Haleakala. The plant owes its silvery color to its location; it needs to reflect the intense sun it gets from the high altitude. Cultural uses: Hawaiians use the pounded leaves of all species of Artemisia to treat asthma. The leaves look nice in leis but don't last long. Landscape uses and care: If you are lucky enough to get your hands on these plants, they will look great around rocks or as accents around darker foliage plants such as hibiscus, 'uki'uki or ti leaves. They do best in full sun and well-drained soil. Don't overwater -- the plants come from arid areas. A good soaking every two to three days is fine. Note: Another plant found inside Haleakala Crater also goes by the Hawaiian name 'ahinahina, better known as the volcano's famed silverswords.
Rick Barboza co-owns Hui Ku Maoli Ola, a native Hawaiian plant nursery. Contact him at 259-6580 or e-mail rickbarboza@hawaii.rr.com
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