
Secrets to Success
Deborah Cole Micek
and John-Paul Micek

How to turn problems
into profit centers

Have you ever gotten into a rut in your business where all you could think about were problems?

When that happens, it can cause you to feel out of control, unfocused and totally unmotivated. And that can affect your performance, your personal fulfillment -- and your profits.

All too often, business owners get caught up in the daily operations and focus only on problems. This dangerous mindset makes it tough to see how small challenges can be turned into opportunities.

But with the right psychology, you can quickly overcome challenges. This is how successful entrepre-neurs turn problems into profits centers.

Here's a simple, five-step, five-minute process I share with my clients that will put you back in control of your focus, giving you a boost in performance and profits.

Ask yourself the following five questions:

» What's great about this challenge?

Once you begin to use this system, your brain may answer, "What are you nuts? What's GREAT?! NOTHING!"

But if this happens, understand you're at a critical point in the process. It's where all growth starts. So you must stick with the process and answer the question. Otherwise, you'll create a pattern of always feeling "stuck."

» What's not perfect yet?

Identify what needs to be changed with a proactive/ positive mindset. Program your brain to focus on solutions to the challenge, instead of focusing on the challenge itself.

» What steps am I willing to take to make it right?

Lay out the plan you need to overcome your current challenge. If you don't follow through on this step, don't expect to have your challenge disappear all on its own. Specific action is required from you.

» What are the red flags that can help me prevent a similar situation in the future?

Getting warning markers will keep you from taking actions you do not want to do, and will prevent problems from creeping up in the future. Answers to step three tell your subconscious specifically what to do instead.

» How can I make the steps I need to take fun?

Increase your opportunity for success. Discover how you can have fun while taking action to get what you really want. Take time to come up with fun ways to take action. Make it a game. Link positive actions to rewards you'll give yourself.

Now is your chance to put these five simple steps into action. Let your competitors think like the herd as they keep their heads buried in problems. With these questions, you have an advantage that will have you transforming challenges into opportunities and growing by leaps and bounds as a result.

See the Columnists section for some past articles.

John-Paul Micek is the lead business coach at RPM Success Group Inc. Reach him at JPM@RPMsuccess.com or toll-free at (888) 334-8151.

Deborah Cole Micek, chief executive officer of RPM Success Group, is a business success coach and life strategist. Reach her at DCM@RPMsuccess.com or toll-free at (888) 334-8151.

Read an expanded version of this article at www.GetCoachedforFree.com.

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