Robert Andrada Agsalda
Dec. 16, 2004
Robert Andrada Agsalda, 59, of Mililani, a Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard electrical engineer and control desk manager, died in the Queen's Medical Center. He also was a Vietnam veteran. He was born in Vintar, Ilocos Norte, the Philippines. He is survived by wife Joyce B.; daughters Vanessa Rosenbush, Michelle Sagaysay and Melissa Agsalda; mother Fausta; brother Alfredo "Bobby"; and sister Margaret "Denia" Sagaysay. Services: 7 p.m. Thursday and 10:30 a.m. Friday at Mililani Mortuary-Waipio, mauka chapel. Call after 6 p.m. Thursday and 9 a.m. Friday. Burial: 11 a.m. at Mililani Memorial Park. Casual attire.
Cecille Balubar Bugtong
Dec. 23, 2004
Cecille Balubar Bugtong, 25, of Waipahu, a Panda Express employee, died in Waipahu. She was born in Bangued, Abra, the Philippines. She is survived by parents Anacleto G. and Angelina B.; brothers Benjamin, Albert, Marino, Jonny, Wilmar and Michael; sisters Corazon Quemerista and Susana and Cherie Bugtong; grandparents Lourdes Bugtong and Esperanza Balubar; and fiance Freddie Borreta. Mass: 7 p.m. Friday at St. Joseph Church in Waipahu. Call after 6 p.m. Interment to be held at a later date in Bangued.
Roderick Cantohos
Dec. 14, 2004
Roderick Cantohos, 57, of Waipahu died in Honolulu. He was born in Honolulu. He is survived by wife Patricia Ann; father Abraham Ramos; brothers Abraham Ramos Jr. and Raymond and Ricky Cantohos; and sister Rachael Delagarza. Services held.
Lam Cheung
Jan. 5, 2005
Lam Cheung, 84, of Honolulu, a retired technician, died in Leahi Hospital. He was born in Zhong Shan, China. He is survived by wife Shuk Wan Lau; sons Kam Chow, Kam Wing and Kam Hung; daughters Wai Fong Cheng, Wai Ping Tse and Wai Ngor Chan; and eight grandchildren. Taoist services: 8:30-10:30 a.m. Wednesday at Borthwick Mortuary. Burial: 11 a.m. at Hawaiian Memorial Park.
Valentina Villa Daoang
Dec. 19, 2004
Valentina Villa Daoang, 88, of Honolulu, a homemaker, died in St. Francis Medical Center. She was born in the Philippines. She is survived by husband Rafael; sons Bernardo, Justo and Michael; daughters Petrona and Rosita Daoang and Erlinda and Anna Dumlao; nine grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren. Mass: 6 p.m. Friday at Hawaiian Memorial Park. Call after 5:30 p.m. Additional mass: 8:30 a.m. Saturday at St. John the Baptist Church. Call after 8 a.m. Burial: 10 a.m. at Valley of the Temples. Casual attire.
Yoshiko Fukuda
Jan. 3, 2005
Yoshiko Fukuda, 67, of Honolulu, a retired NTA Nippon Travel Agency general manager, died in St. Francis Hospice. She was born in Chiba, Japan. She is survived by son Michael; daughter Julie Nagata; father Tadashi; mother Hideo; brother Masahide; sisters Masako Nose, Yuko Aoki and Toshie Takishima; and a grandchild. Private services.
Tamotsu Ginoza
Jan. 4, 2005
Tamotsu "Archie" Ginoza, 66, of Honolulu, a retired Foodland Super Market meat cutter, died in Kuakini Medical Center. He was born in Puunene, Maui. He is survived by wife Constance G.; sons Kip Ginoza and Matthew K., Robert, Matthew A. and Kimo Corral; brother Jenichi; sisters Nancy Fujimoto, Mitsue Matsumura, Chiyo Maeda and Lillian Arakawa; and four grandchildren. Services: noon Friday at Hosoi Garden Mortuary. Casual attire. No flowers.
Vincent Hiromi Goto
Jan. 4, 2005
Vincent Hiromi Goto, 59, of Aiea, a retired GTE Hawaiian Tel and Aloha Airlines employee, died. He was born in Honolulu. He is survived by wife Wanette, sons Ryan and Jaron, daughters Lori and Julianne, mother Sueno, brother Alan, sister Charlene Sunio and two grandchildren. Services: 11:30 a.m. Sunday at Borthwick Mortuary. Call after 8:30 a.m. Burial: 1 p.m. at Hawaiian Memorial Park. Casual attire.
Paul Sozaburo Hada
Jan. 6, 2005
Paul Sozaburo Hada, 82, of Honolulu, a retired state Department of Transportation mechanic, died in St. Francis-West Hospice. He was born in Wailuku. He is survived by sister Nancy T. Nakamura. Services: 1 p.m. Saturday at Hosoi Garden Mortuary. Call after noon. Casual attire. No flowers.
David P. Jellings Jr.
Dec. 24, 2004
David P. Jellings Jr., 88, of Waipahu, a retired Naval Ammunition Depot supervisor at Lualualei, died in Honolulu. He was born in Honolulu. He is survived by wife Clara K., sons David P. III and Michael P., daughter Barbara K. Arnold, sister Mae, eight grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. Private services. Donations suggested to Lunalilo Home, 501 Kekauluohi St., Honolulu, HI 96825.
Reginald Keaunui Jr.
Dec. 30, 2004
Reginald Keaunui Jr., 67, of Waimanalo, a retired Kamehameha Schools bus driver for the Kapalama Campus, died in Pearl City Nursing Facility. He was born in Honolulu. He is survived by sons Reginald III, Greig, Anderson, Keoni and Kaui; daughters Charel "Libby Keaunui" Gabriel and Gay Keaunui; stepmother Mary; hanai son Scott Garlough; brother Merton; sisters Pearl Mash and Kehau Widell; 15 grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. Services: noon Saturday at Kamehameha Schools, Bishop Memorial Chapel. Call after 10:30 a.m. Private scattering of ashes to be held at a later date. Casual attire.
Deborah Kaulaweokalani Lindsey Leslie
Nov. 16, 2004
Deborah Kaulaweokalani Lindsey "Deb" Leslie, 47, of Kailua-Kona, a room maid for the former Kona Lagoon, Kona Hilton Hotels, Kona Bay Hotel and Mauna Loa Village Condominiums, died in Kona Community Hospital. She was born in Kalaoa, Kona, Hawaii. She is survived by husband Calvin I.; hanai sons Samson and Thomas-Michael Villanueva; hanai daughter Kavy Villanueva; father Thomas K. Lindsey Jr.; hanai mothers Flo M. Chew and Esther S. Brown; brothers Thomas III and Michael Lindsey and Conrad Haleamau; hanai brothers John K. Pitts and David Cipriano; sisters Anna Villanueva, Jenniferlyn S. Bunch, Alice Gaddis and Lani Howard; and hanai sister Myrni Ganer. Services: 10 a.m. Saturday at Hale Halawai Community Center in Kailua-Kona. Casual attire. No flowers.
Lawrence Kamanawa Makuakane
Jan. 2, 2005
Lawrence Kamanawa Makuakane, 59, of Naalehu, Hawaii, a U.S. Army veteran who served in the Vietnam War, died in Hilo Medical Center. He was born in Kahuku, Kau, Hawaii. He is survived by son Spencen K.; daughters Marley Green, Marla Makuakane and Larena Richards; brothers Henry Jr. and Paul; sisters Maria Tailon, Emmaline Hashimoto, Lucy Makuakane, Annabelle "Cha" Galigo and Pammy Dudoit; and nine grandchildren. Services: 11 a.m. Saturday at Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Kau Ward in Naalehu. Call after 9 a.m. Cremation to follow at Dodo Mortuary. Aloha attire.
Albert Meyer III
Dec. 29, 2004
Albert Meyer III, 55, of Waialua, a U.S. Navy and U.S. Postal Service maintenance man, died in Wahiawa General Hospital. He was born in Honolulu. He is survived by sons Milton-Joe, Albert, Palani and Delvin; brothers Dennis, Rodney, Clifford, Robert and Kenneth; sisters Barbara J. and Ann Meyer; and two grandchildren. Services: 11:30 a.m. Thursday at United Gospel Fellowship. Call after 9:30 a.m. Burial: 2 p.m. at Hawaii State Veterans Cemetery, Kaneohe. Casual attire. No flowers.
Jean Toshiko Miyashiro
Dec. 30, 2004
Jean Toshiko Miyashiro, 72, of Honolulu died. She was born in Eleele, Kauai. She is survived by brothers Toshio and Fusao, and sisters Masako Nyuha, Matsue Sakoda, Shigeko Chock, Yaeko Ono and Kazue Miyashiro. Services: 11 a.m. Thursday at Kapahulu Bible Church, 3224 Kaunaoa St. Casual attire. No flowers.
Yoshie Nakashima
Dec. 12, 2004
Yoshie Nakashima, 82, of Waipahu died. She was born in Waialua. She is survived by husband Satoru and sister Sally Miyagawa. Private services. No monetary offerings.
Akira Norimoto
Dec. 21, 2004
Akira Norimoto, 84, of Honolulu, a retired carpenter, died in Straub Clinic & Hospital. He was born in Hilo. He is survived by brothers Ralph and Stanley Shimoyama, and sisters Barbara Boone and Alice Murai. Private services. No monetary offerings.
Kenneth Ray Nutt
Dec. 31, 2004
Kenneth Ray Nutt, 60, of Ocean View, Hawaii, a General Motors Corp. machine setup man and U.S. Army veteran, died at home. He was born in Port Huron, Mich. He is survived by wife Donna A., sons David Nutt and Donald Roy, daughters Terry Duran and Kimberly Kingery, brother Orville, hanai sister Hale Kaupu-Hawkins and 11 grandchildren. Services: 11 a.m. Saturday at Kauahaao Congregational Church, 95-1642 Pinao St., Waiohinu, Hawaii. Call after 10 a.m. Burial to follow at Naalehu County Cemetery in Naalehu, Hawaii. Aloha attire. Flowers welcome. Donations suggested to Kona Shrine Club, P.O. Box 179, Kailua-Kona, HI 96745.
Yoshino Toyama
Dec. 29, 2004
Yoshino Toyama, 91, of Honolulu, a retired Kobayashi Hotel housekeeping department employee, died in Honolulu. She was born in Shizuoka, Japan. She is survived by son Raymond, daughter Kiyoe Ohno, sister Shuko Sasamoto and two grandchildren. Private services.
Kyle Giichi Umeda
Dec. 29, 2004
Kyle Giichi Umeda, 18, of Waimea, Hawaii, a Hilton Waikoloa Village valet attendant, died in Kona Community Hospital. He was born in Honolulu. He is survived by companion Lianie R. Jumalon, son Kyani Umeda-Jumalon, parents Warren and Laurie, brothers Ridge and Josh, sisters Ranada Feliciano and Krystle Umeda, and grandparents Florence Muranaka, Giichi Umeda and Frank and Loretta Feliciano. Services: 7 p.m. Friday and 10:15 a.m. Saturday at New Hope Fellowship Church. Call after 5 p.m. Friday and 9 a.m. Saturday. Burial: 11 a.m. at Waimea County Cemetery. Casual attire. Flowers welcome. Condolences may be sent to P.O. Box 7123, Kamuela, HI 96743.
William Anji Uyehara
Dec. 30, 2004
William Anji "Bill" Uyehara, 79, of Pearl City, a U.S. Army veteran, died at home. He was born in Paia, Maui. He is survived by wife Eloise L.; son Keith B. "Doc"; daughter Cynthia "Cyndi" Inoselda; brothers Wayne, Noboru and Toku; sisters Mary Watanabe, Ai Unten and Betty Watanabe; and a grandchild. Celebration of life: 6 p.m. Wednesday at Mililani Mortuary-Waipio, mauka chapel. No flowers. No monetary offerings.
Dorothy Saxon Wenger
Jan. 3, 2005
Dorothy Saxon Wenger, 81, of Honolulu, a necklace designer and artist, died in St. Francis Medical Center. She was born in England. She is survived by son Karl, daughter Marlene A., sister Joan Scari and two grandchildren. Private services.
James Masakichi Yamanoha
Dec. 23, 2004
James Masakichi Yamanoha, 91, of Waianae, a retired carpenter, died in Hilo Medical Center. He was born in Wahiawa. He is survived by sons Robert Y. and Glenn M.; daughters Janet S. Galapia and Lynn T. and Nora H. Yamanoha; brother Raymond; sister Kimiko Ishiki; 11 grandchildren; and 21 great-grandchildren. Services: 11:30 a.m. Thursday at Mililani Mortuary-Waipio, makai chapel. Call after 10:30 a.m. Inurnment: 1 p.m. at Mililani Memorial Park. Casual attire. No flowers.

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