$88M UH plan for
Kapolei advances
The university has begun a formal
process for finding a developer
for UH-West Oahu
A major development in Kapolei, including an $88.8 million campus for the University of Hawaii-West Oahu, plus housing, a public elementary school, parks and commercial space on 500 acres of state land, is a step closer to reality.
On Thursday the university started a formal process to find a developer interested in building the first phase of the campus in exchange for the development rights for up to 320 acres around the campus.
The site, south of Farrington Highway between the Kapolei Golf Course and the proposed North-South Road, does not have any infrastructure like roads, sewers and water.
The additional cost to the developer of putting in the infrastructure is estimated at $31.1 million, bringing the total initial cost of the project to $119.9 million.
The current long-range development plan for the 500 acres calls for construction of parking and four buildings -- including a library and campus center -- on 30 acres to become the first phase of a permanent UH-West Oahu campus.
The campus would be able to support up to 1,520 students, nearly double the current student population of 800 housed in cramped portables next to Leeward Community College.
It is envisioned that UH-West Oahu could support up to 7,600 students on 96.8 acres, a project that could eventually cost $350 million.
Around the campus, the university would like to see a University Village shopping center; residential housing that would also serve students, faculty and staff; commercial development; an elementary school; a 14.2-acre park; and expansion of parking for the Kapolei Golf Course, roads and bikeways.
The current plan calls for using about 169 acres for commercial and residential projects and another 83 acres for the park, school, roads and other non-income-generating uses.
Jan Yokota, the university's director of capital improvements, said UH might also offer developers the rights to 150 acres originally slated for future campus expansion.
UH is asking developers interested in building the campus and the surrounding residential and commercial parcels to submit qualifications by Jan. 28. The developer or development team must be able to provide financing, design and construction services.
UH will help the developer get zoning and other clearances to complete the project.
A short list of qualified candidates will be selected to submit formal proposals by April 7. It is anticipated that a development team and proposal will be presented to the Board of Regents for approval on April 21.
If all goes smoothly, design of the campus and supporting infrastructure will begin shortly afterward, along with the process of getting necessary approvals for construction.
The university would like to see construction begin in the fall of next year and the campus ready for occupancy in the fall of 2008.

It is envisioned that UH-West Oahu could support up to 7,600 students on 96.8 acres, a project that could eventually cost $350 million. Around the campus, the university would like to see a University Village shopping center; residential housing that would also serve students, faculty and staff; commercial development; an elementary school; a 14.2-acre park; and expansion of parking for the Kapolei Golf Course, roads and bikeways.