Letters to the Editor ![]() Brighten the holidays for less fortunate"No room at the Inn." That's what the sign reads at the corner of Victoria and Beretania streets as help is being solicited for the area's homeless.This is a festive time of year and a good time to reflect on all the blessings in our lives -- intact families, good jobs or even a relatively uneventful year. It is also a good time to remember that many people are devoid of family or even friends, as some seniors are or the many disabled and homeless living with out any hope at all this Christmas. If you have an hour or two or a buck or two, you can make your holiday season just a little better by helping others. Merry Christmas.
Timothy A. Cook Honolulu
Remember the spirit of the seasonI have become concerned with the growing antagonism by members of certain religious factions against people who would remain secular or politically correct. Since not everyone buys into the religiosity of the Christmas holiday, or prefer to celebrate other rituals such as Hanukkah or Kwanzaa, I believe it is highly appropriate to wish one another "Happy holidays" rather than "Merry Christmas" out of respect and good will toward others of various faiths.Although I was raised as a Christian and gladly celebrate Christmas, I also understand that the origins of the holiday have roots in pagan worship, not necessarily beginning from Christ's ministry, but from Roman Saturnalia rituals observing the winter solstice. The Bible makes no mention of ritualizing Christ's birth in December. But since the holiday also represents "peace on Earth, and good will toward all," that is what should be focused on, rather than who is Christian or not. Living in a democracy is not easy. But if we cannot learn to accept the beliefs of others, then we become subjected to a dictatorship where groups of people become the dictators of other people's freedoms. With that said, I wish everyone peace and happiness this holiday season.
Matthew Kaopio Jr. Ewa
Kuwait soldiers enjoyed general's visitThe holiday season in Kuwait is nothing like the holidays back in the paradise of Hawaii. The days are long and arduous, with most of us working 12 hours on and 12 hours off. Each of us citizen soldiers serves our country proudly but look forward to the day when we can leave the beach that never ends and return home to our ohana and loved ones.Dec. 16 was a memorable day because Hawaii's adjutant general, Robert Lee, came to visit the Hawaii citizens who are stationed here in Arifjan, Kuwait. After exchanging gifts and having lunch together, we all "talked story," which made us feel our deep island roots as we devoured the island treats, like the crack seed, he brought to us. Before Gen. Lee's departure, we gathered for a group picture. The copies we all placed in our work places remind us of the memorable day in which this brown sand-suited Santa Claus with two stars reminded us of a place that we miss very much and look forward to returning to be with our families and friends.
1st Lt. Benjamin White Camp Arifjan, Kuwait
Column expressed Christmas meaningBetty White's column was a good, ecumenical expression of the essence of Christmas no matter what your religious beliefs ("Teach the joy of giving beyond holiday season," Star-Bulletin, Dec. 14). Being in Washington D.C., I know how much discord we have with other persons and other nations. Please pass on my appreciation to Ms. White.
W.E. Kenealy Captain,U.S.Navy (Retired) Springfield, Va. Hawaii visitor
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