
High-risk groups can
try again for flu shots

People who attempted to get flu shots but were turned down because of a shortage of the vaccine in the fall should try again, state health officials said yesterday.

Dr. Chiyome Fukino, state health director, advised members of high-risk groups who have not been vaccinated to contact their doctors.

The high-risk groups include people age 65 and older, people with chronic diseases and long-term health problems, women who are at least three months pregnant and infants aged 6 to 23 months.

During last fall's vaccine shortage, all available vaccine was placed under the control of the federal government and state health departments. Previously many physicians had ordered the vaccine individually.

As a result, more then 19,000 doses have been ordered for doctors in Hawaii, and more may become available in January.

In addition, the state has vaccinated almost 12,000 people at public flu clinics and delivered more than 2,800 doses of vaccine to individuals in institutions.

State Department of Health

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